• Notre Dame Marked The Peak Of The 'Liberal Order'

    April 19, 2019

    Sometimes individual events occur that bring larger trends into stark perspective. The burning of Cathedral of Notre Dame this week was one of those events.

    Much has been written about the fall of Christianity in France, the decline of French culture, the Islamization of Europe and the end of Western civilization as we have known it for centuries. The collapse of the spire over the iconic Parisian cathedral, as all the world watched, seemed to symbolize the worst that may be in store for our collective Western future, as many of the same phenomena can be seen on this side of the pond as well.

    But something else entirely could be in the works. What we are witnessing may not be the end of Western civilization, but the beginning of its revitalization.

    I predict the tragedy at Notre Dame, which belongs to all humanity not just to what is left of the French Republic, will mark the high tide of the forces of globalism and the “neo-liberal” order that the European Union and its elites have attempted to force up on their people for decades.

    In a little-reported development, the UK’s Brexit Party, recently formed by Brexitcheerleader Nigel Farage, is now the front-runner in British polls for the European Parliament vote next month. That’s a devastating indictment of Britain’s Conservatives and their betrayal of the will of their voters. Whatever happens in the near term, in the long run the UK will escape the clutches of the unelected bureaucrats of Brussels, with their globalist, destructive mandates. The British people will demand it.

    Across Europe, populist parties are feeling their oats. Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban’s Fidesz Party has just been forced out of the European People’s Party, which, similar to the establishment Republicans in the United States, has also not looked after the people’s best interests, preferring to focus on maintaining its hold on power by refusing to check vast waves of immigration from non-European sources. Expect big wins for Europe’s populists in Italy, Hungary and now France, after the disaster at Notre Dame, in the approaching European Parliamentary elections. After that, expect changes in the direction of European policy more in line with the needs of ordinary voters, rather than the “Brussels knows best” agenda of the continent’s globalist elites.

    In America, the end of the Mueller saga dovetails very well with what is happening in Europe. The elitist media have been defeated; they just don’t know it yet. Those who tried to frame Mr. Trump and undermine his revolution will soon find themselves under the investigative microscope, and there’s nothing they can do to stop it. 

    Of course, congressional Democrats will try their best to keep the Russia-gate flame alive, but here’s betting that it will cost them at the polls in 2020. President Trump will be re-elected by a landslide, with over 400 electoral votes. More Supreme Court and lower-court judges will be appointed, cementing a philosophy of rational and restrained jurisprudence on the bench for decades to come.

    With their power grabs and vast overreach over the last decade, the globalists now see their plots being exposed. Their agenda has been pushed into the light and the people don’t like what they see.

    Notre Dame may be a charred hulk, but the efforts of reconstruction were already underway when the sun rose on the very next day. 

    So it is in the world, as the globalists sound retreat: The Islamic State caliphate has been defeated. 

    Russia’s economy is in real trouble. China’s behavior is being called out and confronted. Iran has been throttled in its quest for regional hegemony.

    These are the green shoots of the revitalization of the West, blooming with the new spring.

    In his second term, Mr. Trump will consolidate and build upon his first-term successes. His critics will try to halt the inevitable pendulum shift. The left will scream, obstruct, perhaps even resort to violence to try to hold back the course of history.

    But they will lose. Notre Dame will be rebuilt. Freedom will prevail.  

    Originally posted at The Washington Times


    L Todd Wood

    L Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing. The first of his many thrillers is "Currency." Todd has been a national security columnist for The Washington Times and contributed to One American News, Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, Novaya Vremya (Ukraine), the New York Post, National Review, the Jerusalem Post, Zero Hedge and others. He is also founder/publisher of CDM. For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit LToddWood.com.
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    awesome uplifting article. thank you.


    Thank you for your kind words...


    You gave me hope........ thank you


    Great article...all the best

    Joe Mudd

    Lest a seed go into the ground and DIE it cannot bring forth new life.
    John 12:24-26 (in my words)


    To paraphrase a line from Star wars, "Help us oh God you are our ONLY hope."


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