• It's Time To Admit What Just Happened -- Obama Was Not American

    June 2, 2019

    It's time to admit in public what we all know is true -- Obama was not American, and what we have just experienced was an attempt to destroy the United States of America by Islamist and globalist forces.

    I'm not talking about his birth certificate, which in my opinion was a complete forgery, but I can't prove that. I'm talking about the consequences of his presidency.

    We witnessed an Islamic caliphate spreading throughout the Middle East. We saw historic antagonism towards our long-term ally, the Jewish State of Israel. We saw the complete corruption of the American Executive Branch, with spillover effects into Congress and the Judiciary branch.

    We saw the awesome power of the federal government directed against Obama's political opposition.

    We have seen a treasonous coup against a sitting president of the United States.

    All of this was directed from the top, by Hussein himself. Anyone who is intellectually honest would have to admit that. This was a covert operation directed by the ultimate Manchurian candidate against you and me, our neighbors, and our children's future.

    The only way America can move forward is to admit what happened, root out all the bad actors in our government, and re-establish the republic.

    It will be difficult, and may seem impossible, but has been done before, after our last brutal civil war.

    If it doesn't happen, then the ultimate purpose of the Second Amendment may become abundantly clear.


    L Todd Wood

    L Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing. The first of his many thrillers is "Currency." Todd has been a national security columnist for The Washington Times and contributed to One American News, Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, Novaya Vremya (Ukraine), the New York Post, National Review, the Jerusalem Post, Zero Hedge and others. He is also founder/publisher of CDM. For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit LToddWood.com.
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    "the ultimate purpose of the Second Amendment may become abundantly clear."

    Actually, the purpose of the 2nd IS abundantly clear...however, the support to use the 2nd against those who are perverting our government and way of life might not be so clear.


    The above picture looks like he is presenting himself for a beheading....darn.


    Only in America can a "foreign" individual fake his way through our society, thru college, and yes even to the presidency with the help of shadowy powerful individuals with the means and intentions to destroy this country. In another time, Obummer would have been arrested, tried and thrown in prison for his act. Today in this political correct environment you cannot even speak a word contrary to what the powers-that-be have already established as the norm. The 2nd amendment should be abundantly clear why it was inserted behind the 1st amendment. It is a safeguard against governmental tyranny or mob rule. This Republic cannot stand if the first ten amendments are abolished.


    Well considering Hawaii is a US state and possession it never was in America. So hom being born there means he's not American, Central, South or North.

    Besides, his paternal grandmother,a nice black old lady that resided in Kenya, said that she witnessed his birth in Kenya. Guess she lied like he lied to his illegitimate son who looks like him. Why don't solve this with DNA technology?


    Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah was not an American. His mother failed to get to Hawaii in time for his birth. Those are facts. His birth certificate, the real one, can't be published because it would show wrong doctors, etc.
    Every law signed by Obama should be subject to repeal. If not American, he can't sign a presidential anything.
    Yes, we were defrauded. The MSM was part and parcel. Still to this date, no charges brought against any of them. I'd like to see Valerie Jarrett hung first.


    HANG 'EM ALL..............................EVERY LAST RADICAL LEFTIST......................

    Flannigan McGaffigan

    Aside from the ultimate purpose of the Second Amendment becoming abundantly clear, so may torches, pitchforks and NOOSES.


    But we can prove the birth certificate is a forgery and Sherrif Joe Arpaigo already has, as verified by a forensic computer lab in Italy which does Interpol's forensic work. None of which is to dismiss anything you have said, but let's be clear about the birth certificate. It is a forgery, a fake and a doctored phony.


    Let's be intellectually honest here... Obama is not smart enough, rich enough, or capable of being as sneaky and invasive as you make him to be. There is big money and power behind him, Clinton, and whomever the MSM choose (not their choice, but chosen for them) in the Democratic party for their next presidential run. Powers that be are unnamed.

    Leo Smith

    The Truth has been Told. Obama was a=n Attack on America and its Principles and freedoms.

    True Believer

    This is blasphemy against the obamessiah who is the greatest human being ever to walk the face of the earth and you are...wayciss!


    By now President Trump knows the truth about Obama's fraudulent documents and chooses to keep it hidden from the American public. He is the greatest President of my lifetime, but this will be his downfall if he does not come clean.

    Matthew Grissom

    Waaaaa.... he was the leading force behind pushing FOR the Obama's to come clean about his illegitimate citizenship. Wake up. What are you talking about?


    In fact, if you look at everyone involved with the current fight over the Russia Collusion Delusion, the battle lines are drawn according to where people stood on Obama's fraudulent birth certificate. The Democrats have veered far left because they crossed the Rubicon when they ran a usurper. Nancy Pelosi is all in because she certified his nomination. John Brennan helped Obama conceal his birth certificate and Social Security Number in his passport application files. The Never Trumpers, especially the Chamber of Commerce Republicans, made a deal with the devil to avoid any scrutiny of his phony narrative in order to advance their self-interested, globalist causes. Hillary Clinton dropped her questions about his BC so she could build her war chest via the Clinton Foundation while Secretary of State. The illegal FISC-approved spying was to develop dirt on whomever might speak out on Obama or would be in a position to do something about his crimes (Mueller, Roberts, Ryan, Sheriff Joe, etc. etc.).


    Its time for SCOUTS J Roberts to FORCE HIS FISA Judges to speak, on why they have not come forward as of now ,to call out the FBI in their act of TREASON, THEY JUST accepted a pack of lies MAKES THEM a part of the COUP. every FISA Judge who gave warrants 2,3,4 times knowing it was fake needs to come clean under oath.


    FISA Judges hear the news as sell as anyone else, they may choose to ignore it, nut when its points to them they should address themselves and what happened. Every 90 days the FISA must be renewed, and each time there must be more evidence to grant a warrant, none of this was done which indicate the Judges culpability in the coup, i.e. insurance partners Rodriguez recused himself only after being caught parting with Strzok, Page .So, if there were different FISA Judges granting warrants on a pack of lies, it appears there were in on it too and must be accountable Chief Justice Roberts needs to take action to police up his FISA COURT OR Barr will have an issue.

    […] Update 3: L. Todd Wood: It’s Time To Admit What Just Happened — Obama Was Not American […]

    Jan in NH

    Considering all the birth tourism, being born in America doesn't mean what it used to mean


    Another clear-eyed and poignant take on exactly what the hell went wrong in our country. We only lived through the most corrupt administration in memory's history to experience the further reaching poisonous effects on our country beyond Obama. I pray to God that we are strong enough to recover, and execute the necessary purge needed to protect this Republic going forward.


    William Barr has evaporated.


    I opened the Obama "birth certificate" in Adobe Illustrator and it was in pieces!! In other words, it was created...NOT a copy of his original birth record!


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