It's Time To Remember The Alamo, Because Our Senators Don't
"The Fall of the Alamo“ or „Crockett's Last Stand“

Recently Fort Worth teacher Georgia Clark had the guts to tweet to President Trump that her school district was full of illegal aliens and drug dealers were on campus regularly. She was immediately fired.  

The Fort Worth Independent School District Board of Trustees voted unanimously Tuesday night to terminate the contract of Georgia Clark, an English language arts teacher at Carter-Riverside High School, a local CBS affiliate reported, wrote this paper earlier today.

“Mr. President, Fort Worth Independent School District is loaded with illegal students from Mexico,” she wrote in one tweet, according to a screenshot posted by the CBS affiliate. “Carter-Riverside High School has been taken over by them. Drug dealers are on our campus and nothing was done to them.”

The illegal aliens then took to social media to spew hate at the teacher and called for violence against her, among other terrible things.  

 "IM COMING TO CARTER TO PAY YOU A NICE VISIT TOMORROW MRS. CLARK! JUST WATCH!!!." threatened one Marisol Suarez on Twitter. (please note that Suarez's account was not banned for threats of violence)

The treatment of Georgia Clark is obviously a much bigger symptom of somthing upon which President Donald Trump has squarely focused his wrath with the recent imposition of tariffs against Mexico for their enabling and profiting from illegal immigration into the United States. 

This is nothing more than a decades-long attack by Mexico upon the United States of America...aided and abetted by our globalist congressmen who routinely betray America's citizens.  

Attacks on our country should be met with force. But first, they have to be acknowledged. Today Mitch McConnel, and other RINO globalists in Congress declared they have 'no appetite for tariffs'.  

We have fought long and hard to retake our government from the Marxist, globalist cabal that is destroying our country. The effort started with the Tea Party under Obama and recently manifested itself with the election of Donald Trump to the presidency.

We obviously have more work to do to remove these weak-minded, self-dealing people from positions of power.  

However, first we must ensure POTUS has the support he desperately needs in his fight with the globalist forces that are bent on ending America as we know her.

We can't let that happen.  

Engage your representatives. Picket their offices. Call their switchboards. Refuse to give them money. Support a primary challenger. Take to the streets.

Stop the destruction of America.

Remember the Alamo!

Originally posted at The Washington Times