• Communism Is Not Coming To America, It's Here, And Millions Will Suffer

    August 8, 2019
    Communism Is Not Coming To America, It's Here, And Millions Will Suffer
    中文: 1968-06 1968年 红小兵

    I spoke to several elderly Russian emigres this week while traveling abroad. They all had come to the West prior to the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. They now live in the United States and return to their Motherland occasionally to visit family and old friends. They all had a very similar story to tell.

    This column is supposed to be about national security and geopolitics. But these recent conversations reinforced the feeling I have had for some time regarding our security: The greatest threat the United States faces is from inside — the scourge of socialism.  

    One woman in her 80s — I’ll call her Svetlana — was heartbroken. The fear and horror was evident in her eyes as she talked about her experiences as a young person growing up in the USSR.

    “I left the Soviet Union to escape communism, socialism, Marxism — whatever you want to call it,” she recalled. “America was and still is the only place in the world you are truly free, and you are losing it. Now the evil is coming here; it is all around us, especially where I live in California. These people are ignorant, they have no historical knowledge, and they are very dangerous. The ideology is seductive to America’s naive youth and always ends up with people dead.”

    Of course, many of us have been saying the same thing for a while now, warning of the historical dangers of “progressivism.” But listening to someone who has experienced its evil extremes firsthand somehow made a much larger impression than anything I could have ever written or said.  You don’t have to look very hard to validate concerns that today’s Democratic Party is really a neo-Bolshevik party in faint disguise.

    Having lost all major policy battles in recent years to conservatives (and lost elections and power as well), their only recourse to avoid political oblivion is the siren call to revenge and retribution. One Democratic presidential candidate went so far as to publish the names and addresses of all Trump donors in his jurisdiction — sickening. The rule of law has gone out the window.  

    Identity politics is all about fanning the flames of envy, something that any committed Leninist would have instinctively understood. The Bolsheviks relentlessly attacked the “patriarchy” of the day — tsarist Russia. We all know what followed, for the Soviet Union and the world. Russia has never recovered from their folly and cruelty and won’t in our lifetime. 

    The only thing we older Americans, those of us with personal memories of the Cold War, can do is point out the eventual consequences of communism (death, destruction, misery, loss of freedom) to our youth. It’s like talking to your kids about the dangers of drug abuse over and over again until the message sinks in. The same concept applies with evil political ideologies — talk to them.

    Alexander Kitchenko, a Russian national, commented on social media this week, “Looking back at history of Russia I can tell you that Soviet totalitarian communism also started ‘lightly,’ with people who were against ‘patriarchy.’ They were all about free love, abortions, redefinition of language and often were quarreling inside their ranks. But then there was one most militant group, which slowly dominated all the hippie-style freaks and later executed most of them in the name of ‘revolution.’”

    “History repeats itself, but now it is happening on your soil and I can only pray that it will be stopped somehow before it is too late,” Mr. Kitchenko commented.

    I think his words speak for themselves.  

    Originally posted at The Washington Times


    L Todd Wood

    L Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing. The first of his many thrillers is "Currency." Todd has been a national security columnist for The Washington Times and contributed to One American News, Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, Novaya Vremya (Ukraine), the New York Post, National Review, the Jerusalem Post, Zero Hedge and others. He is also founder/publisher of CDM. For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit LToddWood.com.
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    I love this opportunity to relate a real conversation with a coworker of mine, Cesar, from Ukraine. He was a nuclear engineer working on power plants in the US with our company which was a large international. I asked Cesar : What do you like most about living in the US. Answer: When you have accident on freeway, somebody comes and you do not die. In Russia , not so much. Ok Cesar, What do you not like about the US. Answer: Too many choices. In Russia only one choice. One kind of bread. Only one kind of car. In the Us , too many choices.


    I believe we are close to the takeover by Communists in America. The tactics the Left has employed have destabilized our society to the point that society no longer functional. This is what they will do to a society, and then sweep into power. Usually by force.

    Jonah Kyle

    You had better close on a bugout location, and stock it with plenty of foodstuffs, ammo, and potable water. It will be needed within 10 years.

    […] Alexander Kitchenko, a Russian national, commented on social media this week, “Looking back at the history of Russia I can tell you that Soviet totalitarian communism also started ‘lightly,’ with people who were against ‘patriarchy.’ They were all about free love, abortions, redefinition of language and often were quarreling inside their ranks. But then there was one most militant group, which slowly dominated all the hippie-style freaks and later executed most of them in the name of ‘revolution.’ History repeats itself, but now it is happening on your soil and I can only pray that it will be stopped somehow before it is too late. […]

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