Nature Has A Brutal Way Of Punishing Bad Decisions

'Progressive' Cities Now Paying For Lack Of Hygiene
Image by Flickr

If you've watched Tucker Carlson Tonight over the last year, there has been a constant drumbeat of revelations about the seriousness of the homeless, no make that hygiene, crisis in 'progressive' cities across the country. Tucker has been sounding the alarm about rodent infestations, human waste covering the streets, and dirty needles threatening the health of homeless and those with permanent shelter alike.

The 'progressive' decision to enable homelessness, filthiness, living on the streets, and attempting to engineer a consequence free lifestyle for mental patients, drug addicts, and the irresponsible will bring terrible pain to all involved, and death for many.

This is the perfect breeding ground for coronavirus and other pathogens, even medieval diseases like the plague.

It is no coincidence the first major outbreaks of this new disease in America are breaking out in New York City, San Fransisco, and Seattle, the epicenters of dirty needle, poop on the streets liberal paradise.

Nature has a brutal way of punishing bad decisions.

Who in their right mind thought this state of affairs was a good thing?

Tucker has been very right about one observation -- the leaders of these so-called 'tolerant' cities do not care about their constituents. Allowing the flourishing of this disgusting lifestyle helps no one, especially those enjoying this 'tolerance'. Those are the ones who will die first.

We are about to find out how brutal Mother Nature wants to be. The people on the streets are not healthy. Their immune systems are likely compromised.

How long will it take for the residents of 'liberal fantasy land' to wake up and see the stupidity of their denial of reality?

America's and your chlidren's future depends on the answer to that question.