Attention In The Area. This Is Not A Drill.

Fact #1 -- The Chinese coronavirus was created in a bioweapons lab in China. That is now mainstream consensus. It did not come from some food market near the lab.

Fact #2 -- The Chinese coronavirus does not occur naturally in nature. Read here comments from the virologist who discovered the AIDS virus.

Contrary to the narrative that is being pushed by the mainstream that the COVID 19 virus was the result of a natural mutation and that it was transmitted to humans from bats via pangolins, Dr Luc Montagnier the man who discovered the HIV virus back in 1983 disagrees and is saying that the virus was man made, writes Gilmore Health News.

Fact #3 -- China allowed 5 million people to leave Wuhan for the Chinese New Year celebrations around the world in Italy, New York, California, and elsewhere in the West. This was weeks or months after China knew the population was infected, and right before they shut down the entire city through a massive quarantine.

Fact #4 -- China, at the same time as they allowed the above departures, prevented anyone from the Wuhan region from traveling to other regions of China.

Fact #5 -- Chinese-friendly media in the West, in conjunction with other American elites, pushed the 'lockdown' solution on the United States, knowing it would severely damage the American economy and the Trump presidency. These forces CONTINUE to attempt to keep America locked down and are fighting Trump's efforts to reopen the U.S.

Fact #6 - China has now reopened for business.

Fact #7 - This entire charade was implemented after the failed Russia hoax and Mueller investigation. The release happened concurrent with the impeachment sham. This pandemic is happening right before the presidential election.

Fact #8 -- The Trump economy was the President's strongest ace-in-the-hole for re-election in November.

Fact #9 -- The Trump trade wars had begun the disintegration of the Chinese economy, as Beijing had already lost 30% of its manufacturing prior to the outbreak. The Trump tariffs had the Chinese Communist Party in checkmate and their dreams for world economic domination had been abruptly halted. This scenario would put the CCP grip on power on the Chinese Mainland in jeopardy.

Fact #10 -- Joe Biden is soft on China. China wants Biden as POTUS, not Trump.

None of these facts can be disputed.

There are further facts that are curious.

For instance, it is now established the United States government was funding the coronavirus research at the Wuhan bio lab. Many players in the U.S. government have also been pushing the complete lockdown scenario. Many in the U.S. government have very questionable ties to communist China. Many in the U.S. government who are pushing the lockdown agenda have ties to Bill Gates, including senior health officials very close to Trump who advised him to shut down the economy. Bill Gates oversaw the gaming of a global coronavirus outbreak in October called Event 201. Many in the U.S. government are allied with the Deep State who desperately want to take down President Trump.

It is also true that as information was strategically leaked to the press, confirming the Wuhan bio lab was the origin of the pathogen, many in the press coincidentally pushed the concurrent narrative, and alleged 'intelligence estimate' that it was all 'an accident' and not a bioweapon. I don't watch the Leftist garbage news outlets but even Fox New's Brett Baier went out of his way in a peculiar statement on Tucker Carlson Tonight recently to make sure people knew 'it was just an accident'. This was just bizarre.

This is all just TOO coincidental. I don't believe in coincidences.

This is biological warfare against the United States with the aim of preventing Trump's re-election and destroying our economy and our freedoms. It doesn't matter whether China released the virus intentionally or not; what matters is their actions afterwards, which were an act of war.

What do we do about it?

We open our economy as quick as possible. We force the Pentagon and the Executive Branch to face the fact that we are in a war with China, a hot shooting war. This is problematic because Obama installed many traitors in the Federal government who are preventing this realization, and could be agents of Beijing.

Second, we force pain on China in return.

A strategic default on the approximately $2 trillion we owe China through our sovereign debt would be a very good place to start and would begin to soften the financial blow to this country.

We have to also rapidly become self-sufficient in certain industries. This needs to happen immediately.

I don't want my children to live under communism.

I Repeat. This Is Not A Drill.