• George Floyd: Felon, Porn Actor, Fentanyl & Meth User, COVID+, Used Counterfeit $$, Knew His Killer, Died Of Heart Attack

    June 4, 2020

    This isn't to trash the legacy a dead man. However, when it comes to George Perry Floyd, rendering an accurate picture is crucial, for it speaks to how quickly the public judges a situation. The repercussions of lionizing the victim and demanding the incarceration of his killer are anathema to due process.

    In a less traumatized society, a society that hadn't been lied to about the severity of a pandemic and then locked down for months, the outcome might have differed. Perhaps the American public would have learned more, and reacted less hastily, about the Floyd case.

    The mystery behind why his coworker killed him, the counterfeit $20 bills, Floyd's shady past: these should have given everyone pause. Yes, Floyd would still be dead, but it looks increasingly that the cause wasn't racism, but perhaps an unsettled score, or even a hit job.

    Oh, and let's not forget newly-minted terrorist organization Antifa, who have exacerbated an already delicate situation.

    So here we are. And this is what we have learned about Floyd.


    1. He knew Derek Chauvin, the former police officer who killed him. The two were bouncers at El Nuevo Rodeo, a club in Minneapolis. This is perhaps the most curious detail, one which CDMedia expects will bear fruit when it comes to Chauvin's motive.

      As the NY Post reported, "Floyd and Chauvin both worked security at the El Nuevo Rodeo Club on Lake Street in South Minneapolis — and overlapped shifts on popular music nights within the last year".
    2. He was a felon. As the BBC reports, "His life then took a different turn, with a string of arrests for theft and drug possession culminating in an armed robbery charge in 2007, for which he was sentenced to five years in prison." In the perpetration of the crime, Floyd held a gun to a woman's stomach.

      His rap sheet includes various other misdemeanors, including theft, multiple counts for possession of cocaine, and criminal trespassing. He went by several aliases.
    3. Floyd's toxicology report is damning. The man who moved from Houston to Minneapolis to make a clean start was anything but clean, with fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system. The Hennepin County Medical Center autopsy report can be viewed in full here.

      The report also reveals a positive result for COVID-19 in April. The diagnosis was ruled not to be the cause of death.

      Further, it reveals the cause of death to be "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restrain, and neck compression". 85 year-old Dr. Michael Baden, was hired to do an extra, independent autopsy on Floyd. To his eye, the cause was asphyxiation. Baden has stirred controversy due to his diagnoses of many famous cases involving celebrities and criminals, including his opinion that Jeffrey Epstein did kill himself.
    4. Floyd also appeared in a pornographic movie. As a guest on the "Habib Show," he and two other men are filmed having sex with a young woman who gives her name as "Kimberly."

      Some tabloids have accused Floyd of gang affiliation as well, as he sports a "YRT" (Young Risk Takers) t-shirt at the beginning of the adult film, but CDMedia has not uncovered any reason to believe the group is anything more than an offshoot of Houston-based "Screwed Up Click" [sic], a consortium of rappers of which Floyd, nicknamed "Big Floyd", was a member.
    5. Floyd tried to use a $20 bill to buy cigarettes in a Minneapolis market just prior to his arrest. The cashier spotted the fake and returned the bill to Floyd. He went outside, returned minutes later, and the bill was accepted. Then the cashier noticed the second bill was fake and called the police who arrived minutes later, according to the store's owner, Mike Abumayyaleh.

      While it's true that Floyd might not have known the bill was counterfeit, it's odd that he would leave and return with a different bill (if, in fact, it wasn't the same one), and try again.
    Screencap: Hennepin County Medical Ctr. report (click here for full report)


    • The owner of El Nuevo Laredo has claimed the men knew each other. They worked together for years. Would anyone treat a coworker as Chauvin treated Floyd unless they had a serious disagreement?
    • How does a man with a rap sheet like Floyd's get hired to work security in a club? That he worked alongside a moonlighting cop who would one day be his killer isn't surreal or a coincidence, surely there must be a connection. What establishment owner hires both police officers...and felons?
    • Is autopsy more art than science? When the deceased has copious amounts of deadly narcotics in his system, and is a smoker who was recently COVID-19 positive, is a true cause of death discernible? Will Floyd be the first patient to have the virus, die, and not be counted in the death tally?
    • Was Floyd high at the time of arrest? Trying to pass one counterfeit bill, then trying again a few minutes later certainly suggests a lack of judgment. Even the New York Times has reported the amount of fentanyl in his system was enough to kill someone:

    Mr. Kobilinsky said defense lawyers could make a point of the amount of fentanyl in Mr. Floyd’s body. Although the amount required to be lethal varies from person to person, fentanyl can stop a person’s heart and breathing, he said. “It’s high enough where a defense attorney would argue that this kind of predisposes him to heart failure, when you are on a drug like this,” he said.

    Dr. Baden acknowledged that the amount of fentanyl in Mr. Floyd’s body was “considerable,” which would be particularly important if he had never used the drug before.

    “He has enough that could be a cause of death if he had never had immunity or tolerance to the drug,” Dr. Baden said.


    Floyd demonstrated that he was capable of nuanced thought when he made a selfie video about the state of today's black youth. He claimed they're "so lost, man". The wise and heartfelt words of a man who lived on the wrong side of the law, struggled with addiction, had seen a lot of violence, and participated in heinous acts.


    The "turnaround" of Floyd's life in Minneapolis, his personal renaissance instantly mythologized in mainstream media, has fallen apart. There are no "rebounding" fentanyl users.

    In any case, being pinned under an officer's knee while handcuffed for nine minutes is a travesty. But would America have rallied to Floyd's cause so heartily (and violently) if they knew he was a career criminal, a synthetic heroin and meth abuser, and a dabbler in adult entertainment? This isn't to trash a dead man.

    It's a note to the left: be careful when choosing a mascot.


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    […] post George Floyd: Felon, Porn Actor, Fentanyl & Meth User, COVID+, Used Counterfeit $$, Knew His Kil… appeared first on CD […]


    Sounds like a really nice lkaw abiding guy you would like to have as a neighbor.


    Won't matter anyway because the riots weren't even about Floyd.


    I agree the truth is important.

    I also stand by my firm belief that "the job" aka law enforcement, is a hotbed of psychopaths, control freaks, sadists, and pants-pissing trigger-happy neurotics, many of whom are drawn to that line of work due to pathological shortcomings in their overall make-up and/or childhood "issues" of one variety or another.

    Cops defend each other no matter what, and it's caused a serious problem over the decades.

    This bastard kneeling on a cuffed and subdued man's neck for nine minutes is a real disgusting occurrence.

    Ollie Octopus

    And now he is a national hero. I have no idea if it was murder, but I do have the idea that there is NO WAY the cop will get a fair trial.

    jack johnson

    On the contrary.....AG Ellison has overcharged the cops and will ultimately fail in their prosecution, maybe on purpose. He charged 2 cops with "aiding and abetting", one of the cops were on his only 3rd shift of his career, the other the only 4th day as a fulltime cop. Both of these men begged the superior neck kneeler to get off of him, wanted to render aid and was ordered down.

    Like in other highly publicized "overcharged cases", Casey Anthony comes to mind....they rarely win in court. I believe Ellison will boot the prosecution so we will have more intense rioting when he fails and blames it on "the system"....this will occur in the 1st year of Trump`s second term. This is a race war set up by the left and George Floyd and his family are mere pawns.


    What are you talking about. Floyd was a perfect poster boy for the left.


    You missed that the first picture released of him was him in front of a picture of Corona beer and that he also has photographs taken of him staged in front of a brick wall, which a common theme for freemasons.


    I would not be surprised if he was not dead.


    So-called "peaceful protestors" have to know that they are sparking this rioting. If they were truly peaceful, they would stay home and not give the thugs the opening to join the crowd and cause havoc. I'm sorry, but I blame the "peaceful protestors" for much of the terror!

    […] George Floyd: Felon, Porn Actor, Fentanyl & Meth User, COVID+, Used Counterfeit $$, Knew His Kil… […]


    i wasn't taken in , in the beginnings .....don't you worry about that , because I've lived and learned, and when it comes to blacks, well, even blacks don't trust'em


    Did the cops start CPR when they discovered Mr. Floyd unconscious, unresponsive, and having no pulse?
    Why the 8 minute restraint on the ground?
    Were they waiting for an ambulance or siperior officer to arrive?
    I've heard the neck restraint remained an SOP in the Minneapolis police manual. Why didn't the Mayor, Council, City Attorney, or Police Chief remove neck restraints as a method of subduing suspects who resisted processing?
    Is it true that Mr. Floyd complained of claustrophobia and difficulty breathing when officers tried to put him in the police cruiser for processing at the precinct?
    Did officers suspect or know that Mr. Floyd was on Fentanyl, Methamphetamine, etc.?
    Their handling of Mr. Floyd was negligent if that is the case, but what is the orocedure for dealing with someone suspected of being high on Fentanyl, etc.?
    The officers cameras will answer many of those questions as well as any calls for an ambulance or superior officer...if they kept them on.


    every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings,,,,,,dead silence


    I concur with your premise that Floyd was not the angel and hero the media promotes. I am very concerned by the abject dishonestly shown by the media which stated the Baden autopsy found NO drugs in Floyd's system. This clouds the issue and surely helped fuel the unrest shown by the marchers, looters and rioters. When this case comes to trial it will be very interesting to see what Baden testifies to on the stand. To be clear, I do not support the act of the officers and I am a 42 year Twice retired Law Enforcement investigator and trainer. I n my career I have assisted the rapid exit of numerous persons who did not belong in the profession. Never had a racial complaint filed either. The main culprit in this situation is the biased lying media with their anti=Trump agenda and their failure to truthfully tell the real facts about police shooting s in America today. The authors are to be highly commended for their integrity and intestinal fortitude for stating the facts in this piece. More people need to see it.


    As bad a Floyd was he doesn't hold a candle to BLM and Antifa. Both are murderous, communist racist organizations that are hell bent on destroying America at her core.

    Patrick Healy

    Just to add a little bit of conspiracy theory, I read some where that the cafe where they both worked could have been a cover for one of the secret services which they used for counterfeits money laundering and drugs trafficking.
    It appears that someone went to the trouble of counterfeiting $1 million of one dollar bills. One dollar bills???
    Then our hero was in danger of exposing it by using some home made one's.
    What were the chances of the very cop who he worked with and knew well being the one to arrest him.
    There must be more than four cops in that town.

    Of course the truth will not be known for another 100 years.

    […] George Floyd: Felon, Porn Actor, Fentanyl & Meth User, COVID+, Used Counterfeit $$, Knew His Ki… […]


    Staged people wake up doh.

    J. Guidry

    After massive destruction, mostly in demacommie controlled areas, the facts surrounding the deceased "hero" of the leftists is coming to light. And, as seems to be more and more the case in these situations, the truth is not what it seemed at first.
    All the narratives put forward by the leftist media(MSM) since the POTUS first announced his candidacy for the oval office, this one is starting to fall apart as well. Look at the history of all the attacks against the Trump administration, and, thus, "We the People". Each one was calculated to discredit and remove a duly elected president. All failed, so far. As all were based on lies, some easily revealed with a little scratching of the surface narrative, they failed, of course.
    The death of a felon druggie, robber, etc. is being used by the left as an excuse to fire up the efforts to remove Trump. The antifa, et al were just waiting for an event to give an excuse for the rioting and burning down of their communities. In any other country, they would've all been either dead or in prisons by now.
    If black lives are so important, why do we not hear about the actions of these groups "protesting" marching through the bastions of leftist neglect where blacks, and others, are being shot and killed every damn day? Cuz its all a lie, based on lie, and they will continue to lie to cover up the lies already told.
    I favor putting down these riots, using the cover of the peaceful misguided demonstraters using whatever means necessary. Including the military, if absolutely necessary.

    The demcommies and the leftists(redundant, I know) will have to come up with something else in attempt to get rid of President Donald J. Trump. I'm sure the demcommies are working on something even more dishonest to last through the election. You can bet on it.


    A very well rounded appraisal of the left's narrative "devoid of any truth" .. and they're sticking by it..


    this could be the very first death NOT listed as "Covid" that actually had Covid!

    Elizabeth Reilly

    The all afternoon spectacle of that Al Sharpton led worship fest of the career criminal's life should never have been foisted on cable viewers around the country as it was a complete and tasteless travesty.
    Note that among his many years of committing crimes one stands out as the best example of who he really was as a worthwhile human being. In 2007, as the article notes, during the course of a robbery he held a woman captive. She was pregnant and he held his gun to her stomach! That was the most disgusting act, short of murder that I can imagine and he deserves universal vilification, not adulation.
    The networks need to stop punishing us with their decisions to flood the airwaves with their political choices. As an example of how out of control this coverage is, I like to listen to classical music on Music Choices and was appalled to see them put up quotes from black notables. I emailed them that they are there to provide us with music and information on the composer, performer an facts about their lives, not to show how politically correct they are.
    I believe others must have also complained because those comments disappeared. Thank you MC.


    Fake Outrage , Fake Pandemic, Fake Americans called Democrats.. They all need to be eradicated.


    Frankly I feel it is well past the time when LYING MEDIA is actually taken to court for their attempts to push false media, which in turn creates public activities are less than desirable in a civilised society. They are guilty of exacerbating and growing racial crimes, hate and violence. Media in such fake narrative as they used on this occasion, MUST BE HELD FINANCIALLY LIABLE for the costs and damages to the societies trashed through their intentional falsifications. MEDIA SUPPLIERS MUST LEARN TO TELL THE TRUTH without any exaggeration & perhaps even their advertisers should be held responsible for some of the damages they jointly have caused.


    The FCC rules/law require that the networks and individual stations present us with the unbiased facts and present the audience with news and programming that has relevance to the people of their area. The punishment for the misuse of their obligation is the suspension of their license. So ABC CBS and NBC should have been long gone.

    JA Brown

    Here’s another question: Normally when cops are doing something that they feel is illegal, they do not film it nor pose for the camera. Why did this cop pose for the photo? He knew he was being filmed; he knew that what he was doing was wrong. Who was he sending a message to?


    These "protests" are not about "police brutality", they are about facilitating a Communist takeover of the United States Government. Obama started it, HRC was to be in the position to close the deal, and the whole thing got derailed by the unlikely election of Donald Trump. Obama militarized America's police departments; SWAT team raids increased exponentially during his tenure and everyday "protect and serve" cops started wearing bloused combat pants, jump boots, and the drift was toward organized, legally immune, thuggery. If these "protests" were about making us free from government authorities using militarized cops against the citizens I'd be wholly on board with the protestors. But it isn't; these puppets are advocating Communism that will bring about to a greater extent, that which they claim to protest.


    A careful analysis of all the current footage available shows Floyd was wobbly on his feet which of course is consistent with the toxicology report.... Note how he partially slumped over when sitting on the ground handcuffed.. Note in that video how the most seriously accused officer used just the fingers of one of his second hand to guide him towards the cruiser.. That is not the behavior of someone with Mal Intent.

    The most horrific aspect to his death is the not yet widely detailed point that that the Method of Restraint used by the Officer is In Writing Codified APPROVED Department Procedure for that department for use in restraining both conscious and unconscious which would include semiconscious suspects such as Floyd. Among other things Floyd was on a number of powerful Opioids which inure one to pain.. He was not a small man and actually 4 Officers restraining someone is less likely to cause injury to either the suspect or the officers in such circumstances.


    Not a single word of this excuses or redeems the behaviour of the Policeman. Most of these things are completely irrelevant to the question of crminal respoonsibilty and clearly only to moralise and an ad hominem smear.

    He may have been a great human or a total scumbag- it doeesn't matter in regards to the actions of the officer.


    Who cares about that monkey porn actor? It was probably staged too.


    yep and the mayor of shelby county Tn ordered all American Flags on county buildings to be lowed to half mast in honor of this guy!! This took place on June 8,9,10th! This honor is for heros not thugs!!! Mayor should be arrested!!


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