Presidential Election Will Cement Poland's Prosperous Future
Manor in Skawina Korabniki, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Image by Kgbo

With Poland's re-election of Andrzej Duda to the presidency, albeit a mainly ceremonial post, the conservative PiS party looks to cement its platform and build on its popularity for the foreseeable future.  This is a good thing for the Polish people, and for Europe as well, even if Brussels does not want to admit it.

Poland's steadfast adherence to its cultural values, and with robust financial and moral support to families, has transformed the nation into a beacon of light for the rest of Europe to emulate and follow.  

Warsaw's refusal to follow the cultural suicide embraced with blind faith by the socialist Left in Berlin and other Western European capitals, has created in Poland an oasis of common sense, responsibility, and caring for its people.  

Nationalism is not a dirty word, it simply means you care for the people you have been elected to lead.  Nothing could be closer to the 'love and tolerance' the Left throws about with abandon, but doesn't really mean.  

Women are not afraid to leave the house in Poland for fear of being raped by migrants.  Church goers can worship as they please.  Children are valued and loved by their parents, and their communities.  

These realities have led to economic growth, stability, security and a bright future for the Polish people, even as Western socialist forces push to try and destroy this harmony with their anti-family, immoral, and intolerant agenda.  

"Being the 6th European nation by way of land mass, Poland avails the rest of Europe and the world of nearly 38 million seasoned consumers. It has become the go to place for investment from its European neighbors to third world strategic investments from Asia, Africa, Middle East, and Latin America. It has proven itself as the ultimate economic success story coming out of Eastern Europe's Iron Curtain," declared Yuri Vanetik, an American attorney that advises investors on U.S. investment policies, and cross-border investments and market entry into Eastern Europe and Eurasia. 

"Poland has embraced sound policies on immigration and investment.  It offers a robust communication hub and a new international airport with the initial capacity of 45 million. This plan positions Poland as the place to export goods to all European countries targeting over 500 million consumers."

The future is bright in Poland and we look to Warsaw to be an engine of economic stability and growth in the next decade.  With the advent of Brexit and the turbulence of Britain trying to regain its sovereignty, many Polish migrants have returned from the UK home to a vibrant financial sector.  

According to Wikipedia, GDP per capita at purchasing power parity has grown on average by 6% p.a. over the last 20 years, the most impressive performance in Central Europe resulting in the country increasing its GDP seven-fold since 1990.  

The unemployment rate prior to the pandemic was in the low single digits, causing a labor shortage.  Therefore many Poles are returning home from the socialist West.  

The country's top export goods include machinery, electronic equipment, vehicles, furniture, and plastics.  

Many Eastern European pundits have wondered aloud if Western Europeans who value freedom and cultural security could actually become refugees in Eastern Europe, an ironic turn of events since the fall of the Iron Curtain and Warsaw Pact in the early 90s.  With its security and culture all but destroyed, the future is not bright for Western Europe.  

In any event, PiS is in power to stay and this is a wonderful turn of events for the citizens of Central Europe and the Visegrad Group, the nations of Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.Western Europe would do well to look east for answers to their cultural and moral decline.  Poland could provide a lot of solutions.