Think Of The Depth Of Evil It Would Take To Use Chinese Coronavirus Against The American People
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Its Time To Level With The Public Mr. President To What The Left Is Really Doing

Let's start with some facts.

We know the Chinese Coronavirus was developed in a lab in Wuhan, with gain of function other words, a man-made bioweapon. This has been reported widely.

We know the Obama administration moved the research into COVID-19 from UNC to Wuhan years ago, as the 'research' had become illegal in the United States. We know the American government funded the Wuhan lab and COVID research. We know Bill Gates ran a simulation of a coronavirus outbreak as late as October of last year.

We know the Chinese intentionally spread the virus to the West, while preventing travel inside China. This has been confirmed by The White House.

We know that Dr. Anthony Fauci initially downplayed the virus, saying Americans had nothing to worry about, parroting the corrupt World Health Organization. The affect of this action was to allow the virus to spread in the West.

We know the timing of this viral release is Waaay too convenient, coming right after the impeachment charade and right before the 2020 presidential election.

I'm sorry, but I learned a long time ago that if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it's most likely a duck.


We know Democratic Party politicians are using the lockdowns to hurt the Trump economy, something President Trump confirmed recently. This means these pols are intentionally hurting American small business, American employment, American self-reliance, all traits of Trump supporters.

We know Democrat governors intentionally seed the virus into nursing homes, killing thousands. Andrew Cuomo comes to mind.

We know the American health establishment is preventing cheap effective treatments from the American people, HCQ to name one.

We know the death rate has plummeted from COVID-19, but the corrupt media continues the fear porn.

I won't even get into the manufactured, fake race riots, where they are now routinely killing Americans.

Think of the evil it would take to unleash a virus on the world, to gain power, to nullify the will of the American people and remove their duly-elected leader.

Obama wanted to destroy the United States, and he and his Deep State cronies have never stopped trying.

We are not dealing with a political problem. These people want to kill you. They want power only. They want the awesome power of the U.S. government which they were allowed to taste. Think of what they will do if they get this power again. There is no going back for them, or they will go to jail.

Let me repeat, they want to kill you.

It's time to stop bitching on Twitter and actually do something.

Storm into your local school board meeting, throw paint on BLM murals, go to a counter demonstration, heck organize one. Confront your SJW neighbor. Confront your SJW college student. Buy a gun. Buy more ammo. Register to vote. Get five other people to register to vote. Picket a business that has BLM propaganda posted.

It's time to put yourself and your family at risk by taking action. We can no longer stay silent. 60 million points of light, to borrow a phrase from the man who coined the phrase 'new world order.'

We are up against a terrible evil. It has to be stopped.