Kyle Rittenhouse. Image: YouTube

Remember the first iteration of Black Lives Matter? It culminated in five police officers killed and another seven wounded in Dallas at a BLM event. Disgraced, the group effectively went on hiatus afterward. Time passes. The sun shines. People forget.

Along with its slightly whiter variant Antifa, BLM is back and bigger than ever. It now has an academic wing, pushing "anti-racism" in public and private schools, whereby anyone not actively fighting racism is considered to be racist, no matter how many black friends they might have. It has all the funding it could want. Its founders have openly admitted to being "trained Marxists" and no one on the left objects.

As the deaths mount, voters have started to take notice. The myth of organic rallies popping up around the country has worn thin as community after besieged community takes note: the agitators aren't from around here. Some predominantly black communities have even stood up to and ejected BLM protesters.

The narrative is failing, even for Independent and Democratic voters. As Don Lemon said the quiet part out loud yesterday, "The rioting has to stop...It's showing up in the polling."

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That's as close to a confession as you'll find in politics. Subtext: The rioting is hurting Biden because he is seen as aligned with BLM.

Funny how months of passively and actively supporting the protests will do that. The media is complicit as well, with new gaffes committed daily. See the CNN chyron below:

"Mostly Peaceful..." Image: YouTube

The summer-long George Floyd-inspired riots have gone on for so long that they rear-ended the unfortunate Jacob Blake shooting. Chaos ensued in Kenosha and continues. Now, a slow trickle of news items are making the police officers' dilemma more understandable:

In addition, the popularity of BLM is falling precipitously in the states where it has sought to raise awareness by demonstrating and rioting. The all-important Rust Belt states have seen some of the biggest moves, especially among working class whites.

All of which set the stage for what we saw on the night of August 25, when Kyle Rittenhouse from nearby Antioch, IL was driven twenty-five minutes by his mother to help keep the peace in Kenosha. During the day, he helped clean grafitti from local buildings and picked up trash. That evening, he was assaulted. He fired back, killing two men and wounding a third.

The more we find out about his BLM assailants, the less there is to like, and the more Rittenhouse emerges as a victim, not a killer.

Given what we know about BLM and Antifa, it should come as no surprise that their followers are angry young men. James O'Keefe's Project Veritas exposed the degree of rancor and communist belief-set of this particular cohort when his team placed an undercover operative inside the Sanders campaign. Of course, it is truly the Sanders agenda that has become the Biden platform.

So, with the media inextricable from the Democratic Party for many years, and the Democratic Party indiscernible from the socialist agenda since Sanders teamed with Biden, along comes Rittenhouse.

When he fought back against his gang of attackers, he shot three, then stopped. He could have shot many more as they retreated. He did not. He surveyed the scene, then moved toward the advancing police with raised arms.

What are the chances that all three victims were felons? That one held a handgun? That one was a convicted pedophile? All Rittenhouse did was scratch the surface. The various backgrounds of those shot only strengthens the beliefs of groups like QAnon, who allege that pedophiles and traffickers are legion on the far left. That two BLM members have been killed and one of them is a pedophile will do little to dissuade those opinions.

To the rest of the world, at least those paying attention, the past two days look like an unmasking of the falsely virtuous BLM. The hero--as some would have it--the one who unwittingly pulled back the face mask, isn't even old enough to own the rifle he used. Yet he was cool under duress. He took a few hits, got knocked down, got his bearings, shot his attackers from an awkward leaning/seated position, then got to his feet.

This afternoon, Joe Biden baselessly claimed Rittenhouse is in a "white supremacist group," joining the ranks of Rep. Ayanna Pressley, who said the same earlier. Perhaps Rittenhouse will end up like Nick Sandmann and sue. At the rate he's going, his supporters wouldn't be surprised.