The West Lost All Moral Authority Under Obama...What To Do When All Sides Are Corrupt?
Image by Markus Szyszkowitz

We've written at length about the Obama administration's criminal weaponization of the agencies of the Federal government against the American people. Just look at the case of General Michael Flynn, and the fact that it is STILL ongoing, and you have all the information you need to know about internal Federal corruption.

However, there is a much bigger story overseas when it comes the horrific consequences of Obama's reign.

We all know about the weakness. We've heard about Barack's red lines in Syria that didn't exist. We've heard about Obama's castration of our military capability. We've heard how Putin annexed Crimea and essentially Donbass during the Obama presidency. We've heard about the recurring massive hacks of our defense industrial complex and Federal agencies by China during Obama's decade.

The list goes on and on and on. There are real consequences to weakness...and none of them are good for a nation.

But there is more.

There is the complete loss of American moral authority during the Obama years.

The so-called 'Arab Spring' was a foreign policy disaster. It wasn't a 'spring' at all but an attempt to remove autocrats in the Middle East who kept the lid on the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic extremism, two of Barack's favorite causes.

Egypt is a perfect example. Strong man Hosni Mubarack was deposed in an Obama push to install the Muslim Brotherhood in this strategic nation. The effort was successful, until the Egyptian army took things back under their control a few years later. Obama's agenda was patently obvious during the entire ordeal.

The list goes on where Obama attempted to get rid of dictators in the Middle East, some successful, others not. Libya, Syria, et cetera.

In Syria, Obama literally organized an army of jihadists to oppose Bashar Assad and used American Special Forces to train them. We've written about this extensively.

The Benghazi incident still needs to be properly investigated and explained. Something nefarious was going on there by the Obama Administration, and it wasn't good for our national security. Perhaps he was running guns through Libya to the Syrian jihadis; maybe we'll never know.

Obama's corruption when propping up the Shia Islamic, terrorist regime of Iran is old news. The billions of cash delivered in the night, John Kerry's prostrations in front of the mullahs which ended up generating the seditious JCPOA, which essentially gave the killers of Tehran the bomb, are all legendary for the wrong reasons.

In short, our adversaries eventually figured out that Obama was an Islamist sympathizer who found himself the most powerful man in the world. They no longer saw America as the beacon of light for free people, that even the worst communist killer in the world respected at some level. They began to see America as just another corrupt hell hole run by Islamists that eventually would decline and fall; so, they began to push on the first domino.

I've sat down with many Ukrainian patriots who marvel in disgust at the behavior of the American State Department, CIA, FBI and USAID in Ukraine, where the corruption of these agencies, along with the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and the Biden crime family was, as still is, rampant. All serving themselves instead of the American people. Where's that $4 billion again Joe? Ukraine still is nothing but a cesspool of Deep State Department highly organized crime.

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With all of this in mind, our adversaries began taking territory. They began propaganda campaigns that painted America as corrupt and only out for certain interests. America was no longer the 'shining city on the hill', they said. America was now a still rich but declining banana republic, corrupt to the core as any Latin or Eastern European dictator would appreciate.

There are real consequences to this moral decline. We see it in the news every day. China's behavior in the South China Sea, Beijing's genocide of the Uighers, and its robust organ-harvesting industry from political prisoners may not have happened if America had been stronger.

President Trump sees this phenomenon. The rebuilding of our military was job one, one that he has accomplished to stop the encroachment of darkness around the world. Now POTUS has to root out the corruption in our diplomatic corp, security services, and military.

It's a big job for the second term, but it's a job Trump can do, and is uniquely suited for.

Righteous leadership makes all the difference in the world.