This Is What They Tricked Your Daughters To Help Cover Up Folks...The 'Resistance' Exposed
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We at CDMedia have been covering Biden Crime Family/DNC/Clinton Campaign/Deep State Department corruption in Ukraine for over a year. We have written over 70 stories due to our strong network of sources in-country.

We are relieved that finally America is paying attention to this important tale of deceit and treachery.

The Obama Administration was the most corrupt in history. Ukraine was their playground, where they laundered money, stole billions, enabled a corrupt government, and ran a coup against a president after their attempt at preventing his election failed.

Now they are running an Information Operation against the American people, much of it coming from Ukraine, in addition to communist China.

This is what they have been trying to cover up folks, at least until after 'their guy' won in Nov of 2020, whoever 'they're guy' turned out to be. The only qualification needed was allowing these criminals to 'memory hole' everything that happened under Hussein in The White House. Biden is the perfect vessel, a corrupt pol who doesn't eve know where he is and will do whatever he has to in order to keep his family out of jail...the perfect Democrat presidential candidate. Just ask Soros, AOC, Bernie, Clinton, Xi Jinping, and the rest of the cabal.

We've always said the Democrat Party is nothing but highly organized crime.

Heck, they launched a Chinese coronavirus bioweapon to prevent Trump from getting another four years; a little money laundering, theft of billions, FBI corruption is nothing for them.

For this they brainwashed your daughters, censored social media, involved the corrupt media, and killed thousands of elderly in nursing homes across the country. All to stop Donald Trump.

This is what 'The Resistance' has been all about -- stopping anyone from finding out what they have done.

CDMedia is being de-platformed and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here! 

But guess what, more is coming. And, America will be shocked, as they finally were shocked this week with revelations from Hunter Biden's computer, who was stupid enough to drop off his laptops to repair and forgot about them.

Donald Trump will win re-election in a landslide.

As Candace Owens so aptly said, "This is why you don't smoke crack kids".