Here's What You Can Do Right Now To Help Save The Republic

Winslow Homer - Girl with Pitchfork, 1867

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No matter his political future, Donald J. Trump gave the American people a priceless gift. The issue now is what we will do with this treasure.

It is not something you can hold in your hands, but it is priceless all the same.

Donald J. Trump forced the globalist cabal to take off the mask. He forced them to move too soon to attack their arch enemy - the American people.

They wanted another decade or so to condition Americans, and Western civilization in general, to be more comfortable with control, more comfortable with the mask, more comfortable with selling out your neighbor so you could stay on Facebook. They wanted to mine more data, further divide us with racial hatred, class warfare, and Marxist envy. They wanted to send more caravans of migrants to change our culture, and harm our internal security.

CDMedia is being targeted and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!

They did not count on Donald Trump. Hence they had to destroy him.

"I'm sorry Barack," Hillary, the anointed one, famously said after surprisingly losing to The Donald. You see, it had all been pre-arranged.

So what can we do to fight back you ask? Aren't we helpless against this cabal?

The answer is a resounding no! But, we have to act collectively, for that is where our strength lies.

1 - Get off the globalist networks immediately! Stat! That means now! Today! Delete (not deactivate) your Facebook, Twitter accounts. There are alternatives -- send your family to, to speech platforms. Facebook is surveillance, is evil, and is undermining your family, your country, your family's future. They are making money off you...or to say it a different way, you are giving money to them! You can download your Facebook data (pics, etc) before you delete. Also get off Google altogether. I know this may take a while, but there are absolutely alternatives, and it is absolutely critical to deprive these corporations of economic power, growth. (Wall Street loves growth above all).

2 - Get off the corporate media cabal! STOP watching, giving clicks to media that is trying to control you. Simply just stop! There are alternatives. Get out of the habit of just watching the same old thing every night because you have for decades. These people do not have your best interest at heart...they are simply feeding you propaganda for the CCP. Selfishly, bookmark and visit often, sign up for the newsletters. But there are a myriad of other free speech alternatives out there -- The Epoch Times, The Gateway Pundit, Zero Hedge, Bannon's War Room, America's Voice, OANN....

3 - Stop visiting globalist corporations and giving them money to hurt you! CDM will be putting together an educational list, but in the meantime, you know who most of them already are! Stop buying from places that want to destroy your family! Do your homework!

4 - Build a local group of like-minded patriots! Organize! Link with other groups in other areas! Build communication networks! Our power is in numbers and disseminating information; helping others close to you, building a MAGA community is critical! This will come in handy down the road as the globalists tighten their grip, which they will for sure attempt to do, soon.

5 - Get involved politically in your local jurisdiction! Soros is now gunning to control local law enforcement, sheriffs and the like, to enforce globalist policy. It is critical MAGA get involved in these races, understand who you are voting for. DA races, schoolboard, even dog catcher! We must take back our local communities to stop this scourge. Scott Presler has a great site here to help do this! Get involved at the grass roots!

This is not about just you and I. This is about the future for our children and grandchildren. We don't want them living in a communist paradise. The above are steps you can take today to be impactful in this fight. CDMedia will be laying out more steps in the near future.

Our revolutionary Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves at what America has become. We have to begin the process of taking her back.