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Let's get real. We all know who's President. It ain't Joe Biden.
Joe is playing Mariocart. Kamala is calling the shots, and making presidential calls to world leaders.
Actually it's Obama, Susan Rice, and Valerie Jarrett calling the shots, but Kamala sits in The White House taking orders.
What a travesty of justice and freedom...organized crime on steroids.
This is what a coup looks like.
Yes, there was massive election fraud, and these people are fraudsters.
Kamala/Obama/Rice wasted no time sending American forces back into Syria and halting the withdrawal of U.S. forces from the Middle East begun under President Trump, a kept promise of the Trump administration.
On February 15th, 14 rockets struck the area of the US military base near Erbil International Airport, 4 of them within the compound, 10 of which were near strikes. One private contractor was killed and 5 were injured. In a rare event, 1 US service member was also wounded, reported Zero Hedge.
The casualties have started again.
Another faceless, flag draped coffin arriving a Dover AFB.
I wonder if Kamala will go join the family, and 'comfort them'.
She doesn't give a damn about boys and girls from Kansas, or the Bronx from that matter, dying in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, as long as the war machine stays well-funded and lubed with American young lives.
We can expect more 'indefensible' actions from Assad and Putin in Syria which demand an American response. Putin, the leader of oligarchs that he is, is the perfect foil for these globalists led by Beijing.
We can expect more pallets of cash heading to Iran in the middle of the night to foment terror across the Fertile Crescent, which will in turn require more American troops be sent to the Middle East.
John Bolton will be happy. The Mullahs will be happy. Barack Hussein Obama will be very happy.
And Americans will keep dying.
Welcome to The Great Reset.
Now, are you going to get involved in your local elections or what? Are you going to delete Facebook, Twitter, Google or not? Are you going to stop watching the corporate media and giving them money, and shopping at big box retailers that want to send your son or daughter to die?
This is what happens when the queen of England's American franchise of The Empire Press Union called The Council on Foreign Relations promotion of 'liberalism' meets with success. Kamala Harris acts as a British agent, who, of course, is extremely hostile to American patriots loathe to commit murder against 3rd World countries to enrich their queen, Elizabeth. B-B-B-Biden is toast. His previous racist comments made it easy for someone to dose him or pith him like a lab frog. Do not wait for the Harris/Biden illegal take over of the entire country. Operation Trust was the propaganda campaign invented at the London Rockefeller/British royal Tavistock Institute, and used in Russia to get Russian citizens to stay indoors for safety while 'the military took care of things'. The Russian military turned into death squads for the Rothschild communist junta and went door-to-door hauling off the land owner, educated and professional classes to be murdered in the forest to leave the brain-washed and ignorant peasants with their new 'Ideal Socialist State'. Chaos ensued without the educated professional classes and many millions died. Now they WANT TO do it here. Turn your television set OFF. The British Empire Rothschild/Rockefeller/British royal controlled Council on Foreign Relations controls all national corporate television news production and THEY WANT YOU DEAD SO THEY CAN HAVE MORE. Bet me.
Hint: Harris' family made their fortune taking and selling slaves of all races for sale to whoever bought them. Her arrogance and lack of any sort of talent beyond treachery is manifest. We used to call her 'The Flopper'.