• Byrne And Deperno Are Both Patriots...We Know, We've Worked With Both

    July 7, 2021
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    Byrne And Deperno Are Both Patriots

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    UPDATE 2115 EST - CannCon joined Nick: “I have confirmed that America's Project did, in fact, send $3M to the AZ audit….which is awesome!! And I will gladly wear that egg on my face as I had said. All I want is transparency.”


    The stress and expense to properly fund the full forensic audit in Arizona is starting to show. Unfortunately, with the fate of the republic hanging in the balance, this is not the time.

    One thing we do know at CDMedia -- Patrick Byrne and Matthew Deperno are both patriots. We have seen them both sacrifice time, money and put their reputations, and literally their lives on the line for the good of the nation, when no one else would, or could at they high level they both play.

    We'd like to suggest we move on.

    Patrick informs he has sent approximately $3 million to the Arizona audit. $1.1 million of this total was collected from the public. You can continue to fund the audit through Patrick here.

    Matthew has set up a new organization to fund the audit - you can do so here.

    Now let''s get back to the fight that matters, enough of this silliness.

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    Frederick Kennel

    I'm a USAFA 86 Grad. Glad to see patriots in the fight.

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