• Bait And Switch, The Bridge To Nowhere, And The Soft Underbelly Of Future Promise

    September 21, 2021
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    Guest post by Tom Burbage

    Bait and Switch is a form of fraud used in many contexts. First, customers are “baited” by merchants advertising or offering services but then customers discover that the advertised goods are not available or the customers are pressured to move to much higher priced options. Awareness of the real issues is critical to prevent being taken. To some, unawareness is bliss. So….what if President Biden’s campaign rhetoric told us up front that we were going to eliminate our Southern border and create the largest humanitarian crisis in our lifetime? What if we knew he intended to tie the twentieth anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center to a hastily executed Afghan withdrawal? What if he told us his plan to surrender to the Taliban could result in the loss of life to young Marines sent back to try to maintain some sense of order or that our new strategy on depending on over the horizon technologies would result in innocent civilian deaths….or that our surrender included leaving billions of dollars worth of top line US military technology to arm the terrorist group? Lost in the horror of watching these events unfold was the our loss of energy independence in seven short months, the infiltration of our school systems and our military with the corrosive Critical Race Theory indoctrination that is on path to set our country back 50 years in our racial relations. And then there is the Pandemic. The massive push to vaccinate and boost, and the early procurement of hundreds of millions of booster shots from Big Pharma without the endorsement of “the Science”. 

    What if America had known that the consolidated impact of these and other decisions would cause the single biggest reversal in the U.S. domestic and world standing. Would we rise to the Bait and would we buy into the Switch? Or is the fact that unawareness is bliss for a large number of Americans OK?

    “The Bridge to Nowhere” is a term where extraordinary resources are required to complete a connection to a destination that has no real value. Recent limited coverage of the Del Rio, Texas Bridge is an example of the depths of both the Bait and Switch and the Bridge to Nowhere phenomena. The implied invitation of the Biden administration to ignore our border and Illegal immigration laws has resulted in the development of a Shanty Town under the bridge in Del Rio, Texas. The influx of humans and the sanitation and ingestion challenges are beyond our capabilities. Most of these people are from Haiti, a country which has seen terrible destruction and devastation from Hurricanes and corrupt governments. Their journey was about 2000 miles and they are a very poor nation. Connecting the dots on who is funding this migration is an unanswered question. The Del Rio Bridge is only one example of the out of control dilemma of our Southern Border. When coupled with the lack of interest in controlling the impact of the massive influx of illegal immigrants and the relocation of tens of thousands of refugees throughout our states, the extreme mask, vaccine and booster mandates on the rest of our population seem overstated, to say the least. 

    The Soft Underbelly of Future Promise: Nature forms a protective shell across most of her creatures to protect their critical organs. In many ways, life replicates that strategy. Winston Churchill, when describing the allied invasion of Italy, referred to it as an attack on the soft underbelly of the AXIS. In the United States, the hard exterior protective shell is comprised of the Political Institutions like the Congress and some of the Protective Institutions like the CIA and FBI that seem impervious to the assaults of time and party. The soft underbelly is more difficult to define but it is those institutions that are tasked to deliver future promise. If those can be compromised, so can the future. It begins with the school systems. The recent revolts against school boards challenging the infusion of Critical Race Training and divisive doctrine is a strong indicator that there is danger lurking there. After High School, real leadership training moves into the Service Academies and other forms of accession to military leadership like ROTC in traditional universities. These institutions have historically provided the most significant number of Military, Government and Industry leaders for the future. There are troubling signs that those paths to future promise are also under stress from outside influences that do not align with the warrior culture required to lead this country in the future. Infusion of the Marxist ideology and the erosion of merit based selection and promotion criteria are significant red flags. 

    Words matter in the discovery phase, actions are critical in the recovery phase.

    Like every major element of life, there is a life cycle.  The life cycle is defined as a series of stages that something passes through during its lifetime. It begins with an awakening. It matures with the impact of two dynamics. The first is the natural development of immunities through antibodies that help humans survive to adulthood. The second is an understanding of the relationship between decision making and the consequences of those decisions. Over a full life cycle, success or failure is linked to these two dynamics. 

    Applying this basic law of nature to the state of our union over the last nine months, we see the slow awakening of the sleeping general public to the insidious invasion of our way of life. It was slow because the discovery phase was obfuscated by an agenda that hid an understanding of intentions. To many, unawareness was bliss. As we gained awareness of the real threat to life as we know it, the anti-bodies began to kick in. The initial forays were very confusing to most of us because the real agenda was not clear. Riots in some cities, burning of small businesses, looting without arrest, the anti-police and anti ICE agendas must be happening somewhere else, not here. The heavy influence of craftily manipulated words promoted a subtle agenda change but then we found out it was all a façade. Black Lives Matter is a good example. Who can argue that black lives, like white lives, like blue lives, like brown lives all matter? Who can accept that the destruction of our civil liberties and cities should be cloaked in the Black Lives Matter extortion objective and the funding of expensive real estate properties for the Marxist founders of BLM? 

    Much has been said about the subtlety of words in the woke takeover that has radically affected our country over the last year. The Life Cycle may finally be moving to the next stage. Like small children reacting to the reality of their formative years, awareness becomes the root of the learning experience. The singular pandemic benefit of allowing parents to see the reality of the poisonous curricula being taught in our schools coupled with the awakening of the larger group of sleeping stakeholders seems to have finally stirred the beast. Recognition of the fallacy of the new ideology infecting our nation is now finally getting attention. While words matter in the discovery phase, actions are critical in the recovery phase. It is time for action.

    Mr Burbage is a Naval Academy graduate, former Navy Test pilot and industry leader. He is working with a group of like minded individuals concerned with the ongoing movement to fundamentally change the focus of our military and specifically our Service Academies.

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