• Black Americans Are Still Beholden To The Same Democrat Party Masters.  Little Has Changed Since The 1800s

    October 13, 2021
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    Guest post by Dr. Smith

    NFL:  In 2016, Colin Kaepernick first knelt during the National Anthem in a preseason game and began the NFL’s ‘woke’ movement.   5 years later in 2021 after much rhetoric about interviews and strategic changes in hiring practices, Roger Goodell (white) is the commissioner of the NFL and only 3 of 32 head NFL coaches are black (9%).  60% of players being African American.  NFL leaders were outspoken critics of President Trump for ‘racism.’

    NBA:  The NBA has also been very active in the BLM movement.  Commissioner Adam Silver (white) commented about “collective efforts around social justice and racial equality.”  In 2021, the NBA had 30 teams led by 21 (70%) white head coaches and 7 (23%) African American head coaches.  According to the USA Today’s Mark Medina on 29 March 2021, 74% of the NBA players are African American.  NBA leaders were outspoken critics of President Trump for ‘racism.’

    Fortune 500 CEOs:  Fortune 500 companies pledged over $50 Billion in 2020 to promote diversity and inclusion and hundreds are boycotting Republicans over voting rights and other racial issues.  Interestingly, according to fortune.com, in 2020 there were only 3 black CEOs among the 500 companies in the Fortune 500 (< 1%).   Many Fortune 500 leaders were outspoken critics of President Trump for ‘racism.’

    AMA:  The American Medical Association currently has a white president from rural South Carolina.  It has had only 2 black presidents during its 174 year existence.  Despite making up 12% of the US population, African Americans only made up 2.9% of medical students (down from 3.1% in 1989), according to Usha Lee McFarling (28 Apr 2021, statnews.com).  The AMA has had a liberal bias for decades and currently pushes Critical Race Theory education in medical schools.  The AMA was very critical of President Trump for many issues including ‘racism.’

    These 4 groups all publicly push for racial equality but their hiring practices and leadership compositions do not match their words.  The groups that advocate for racial equality and publicly criticize and blame Republicans for the state of race in America and then privately continue to exclude African Americans.  

    Liberal hypocrisy is not just at the national level.  My son attends an expensive private school.  Most teachers and parents are liberal, but until 2020 it wasn’t an issue as the focus was on quality academics and school activities.  The BLM movement stirred the faculty’s liberalism and they began to sneak critical race theory into the curriculum.  Interestingly, the school’s student body is 60% non white but all 3 senior leaders of the school are white.  I told the headmaster that it will be an interesting conversation to talk about white privilege and rail for racial equality when the school has 0 minority senior leaders despite nearly 2/3 of the students being non-white.  Many students at the school in public and private were critical of President Trump, calling him ‘fascist’ and ‘racist.’

    Perhaps NFL and NBA players should boycott games until the percentage of head coaches mirrors the racial makeup of the league and the commissioners are African American.  Fans should support them and boycott games and merchandising.  Customers should boycott Fortune 500 companies until at least 12% of CEOs are African American.  Physicians should demand the resignation of the southern white AMA president.  Leaders at all levels need to be called out for racial hypocrisy to put the blame for racism back where it belongs – Democrats.  To borrow a popular phrase of the tumultuous summer of 2020, “Silence is Violence.”  

    Penned under pseudonym due to US Medical organizations trending towards censoring physicians

    This letter is the opinion of the author and does not represent the stance of any organizations or corporations

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    Liberal hypocrisy is deafening.


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