• The Disease Known As Progressivism

    February 2, 2022
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    Guest post by Jacqueline Toboroff

    Rite Aid on Manhattan’s Upper East Side being forced to close due to shoplifters is the autopsy finding for a disease known as Progressivism, which is killing everything in its path.  

    We should examine the forced closure carefully and do a forensic study on how retail theft became mainstream and chart the final destination, because as retail rents in NYC decline, crime soars, quality of life dwindles, there might come a time in the not too distant future when there’s no more money left to print and the next administration might not fund failed Progressive lunatic ideas with Federal money. 

    Some might say NYC is a bubble, that things are better in the rest of the country, except of course, other liberal enclaves like CA, Chicago, and Philadelphia.  But we can’t dismiss our bubble because the thing is, functioning people in functioning states fund NYC’s commitment to failure.  And while we have seemingly been in a State of Emergency for 2 years, ostensibly as a means to collect, finance woke programs, expand government hirings, the money received has not made our lives any better but much, much worse and the rest of the nation and certainly those in NYC are waking up to this fact.  Even defund police proponent Michael Rapaport is changing his tune.

    The beautiful widow of police officer Rivera blasted out this truth as she gave the heartbreaking eulogy for her murdered husband; NYC policies not only don’t work, they’re deadly - physically and financially.  Our elected officials swore an oath and are openly defying the Constitution by not enforcing the law, by not prosecuting, and thus, emboldening criminals.  But it is worse, the reason for the blind eye to justice and ruination of NYC is racist; the elected officials don’t want to arrest or imprison criminals if they are black which has resulted in the overhaul of working policies and push to deincarcerate, which should be blind to color .  

    So when did retail theft and giving a pass to criminality become the norm? In June 2020, when BLM conducted organized, military-like advancements on neighborhoods in cities and states throughout the nation.  In NYC, the Governor, Mayor, DA, AG, Congress members, City Council, and educators simultaneously ignored and encouraged a litany of criminality including assault, arson, vandalization, harrassment, disturbing the peace, murder, and retail theft via DONATING TO BLM, giving stand down orders to NYPD, helping to paint BLM murals in the very areas that were pillaged and ransacked, unbelievable and unending sympathy and calls to action by teachers to students, and intentional underreporting of damage and activity.  These government employees glorified BLM, likening the terror group to an avant garde resistance, Martin Luther King Jr, and gave them the status symbol of social justice warriors who were both victims and victors.  

    BLM looting went on for months.  Then, there was a paradigm shift.  A savvy criminal underclass realized, they too could profit and not only take down dollar stores in lower income areas but target high end stores in high networth neighborhoods with impunity.   Ever wonder why Soho has militarized? Moncler, Chanel, Gucci and many other luxury brands not only now use ropes outside the entrance (a barrier, because walls do work, or at least give the notion of fortification) but have NYPD INSIDE their stores? I’m not talking about security (which they have as well), I’m talking about the NYPD they have INSIDE their stores by means of a deterrent because the police know what happens if they do make an arrest; the criminal will be back on the streets in no time.  It’s not only luxury brands hit hard, Target, Rite Aid, CVS, Wallgreens are also suffering.  Many of their products are behind locked glass, like mouthwash, cold medicine, face cream, haircare.  We should take a pause here, a moment to recognize how insane this is, how shoppers are now viewed, rightfully so, with suspicion and like amoral grifters.

    Here’s the last frame in this movie from hell; store closures, fired employees, taxpayers moving, schools get worse (imagine) which happens when normal people leave, vacancies won’t be filled (who in their right mind is opening a business to deal with this) and the shell becomes a tent city and heroin distribution site.  

    We’re here.  We need to ask whether NYC is run by criminals or elected officials not breaking the law.  We need to make it abundantly clear to those that are apolitical but can smell a rat, that the biggest advocates of defunding police, like Cori Bush, AOC, Ilhan Omar spend on THEIR OWN PRIVATE SECURITY FUNDED BY TAXPAYERS, $200,000, $75,000, and $30,000 respectively.   If we accept that NYC is now run by criminals, what is the point of laws? What is the point of judges, police, or taxes WE PAY for the police service?  

    We have elections coming up.  The only way to end the Progressive nightmare gripping Gotham is to vote in and support candidates that are pro law and order.

    Jacqueline Toboroff

    IG @jacquelinefornyc

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