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We at CDMedia/ have been reporting on Ukraine/Russia since the Maidan Revolution in 2014. We have had reporters throughout the region and have teams on the ground feeding us information since that time as well.

We have traveled extensively to the Donbass and greater Ukrainian areas.

The only way there will be war with Russia in East Ukraine (beyond the trench warfare that has simmered for almost a decade) is if the Biden White House provokes it.

The simple fact is, the Kremlin does not have the force structure, nor the money to sustain a long-term occupation of Western Ukraine.

Putin has barely been able to maintain the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula financially.

Yes, there are Russian forces exercising 'near' the border of Ukraine, but still over 100 miles away. Putin is a master of theater. He knows how to push NATO's buttons and gets enjoyment from it. But, that does not mean he is going to invade and start a massive conflict. There is no upside for him in this. It would unleash forces he could not control. Putin also likes surprise (Crimean annexation) and asymmetric warfare. This would be nothing of the kind. It would be brutal army to army battle.

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The real reason behind Biden's push to start a conflict in Donbass is to possibly delay November elections in the United States, which he will certainly lose...bigly. He may try and declare an emergency and invoke emergency powers, something the communists accused Trump of attempting to do. They are masters at 'projection' after all.

The other reason is that after the Genocide Games, the CCP may move on Taiwan. Ukraine is a big distraction -- asymmetric warfare at its finest.

Look around and see what is happening -- this is all theater.

In fact, Putin may be helping China, (as Biden is helping China) to distract from China's looming aggression in the Pacific.

Putin helping China. Biden helping China.

It all fits.

Fox News is literally trying to provoke a conflict on their own.

To Repeat -- there will not be a war involving the United States in Donbass unless Biden starts one.