“What is clear is that he wants to talk straight to Washington,” emphasized Finnish President Niinistö

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What is glaringly obvious as world leaders reveal their endless phone calls and meetings over Ukraine with President Putin is that President Biden has not picked up the phone and called President Putin, and that is what Putin wants according to several sources, including Finnish President Niinistö, who has gone public with details of his calls with the Russian president. 

Why President Biden has chosen to do this makes no sense, especially since Joe Biden was appointed to deal with Ukraine when he was vice-president during the Obama administration. Instead, he has chosen to use national and corporate globalist sanctions.

This Wednesday, President Volodymyr Zelensky is scheduled to virtually address a Joint Session of the U.S. Congress even though for weeks, messages have been given to the Biden administration that Putin wants a call from Washington. 

President Zelensky may be the darling of the day reminding some of Churchill when he virtually addressed the U.K. House of Commons, but he may also be at the mercy of someone far more ruthless. 

No doubt President Putin’s invasion is wrong, but clearer heads need to prevail to bring the Ukraine war to a screeching halt.

President Zelensky informed the world what he wanted in his speech at the 58th Munich Security Conference on February 19, 2022 before this expanded invasion. 

“Since 2014, Ukraine has tried three times to convene consultations with the guarantor states of the Budapest Memorandum. Three times without success. Today Ukraine will do it for the fourth time...But both Ukraine and I are doing this for the last time,” said President Zelensky.  “I am initiating consultations in the framework of the Budapest Memorandum...If they do not happen again or their results do not guarantee security for our country, Ukraine will have every right to believe that the Budapest Memorandum is not working and all the package decisions of 1994 are in doubt.”

Now, President Zelensky is asking for a no-fly zone. Even today, when virtually addressing the Canadian Parliament, as he is expected to this Wednesday. 

Finnish President Sauli Niinistö claims to be "fully awake." He talks with Putin all the time, and decided to go public with what Putin wants at this moment in an interview with Christine Amanpour on Monday night. 

“What is clear is that he wants to talk straight to Washington,” emphasized President Niinistö.

On March 6, CDM.Press started receiving calls from a source who talks directly to the Kremlin.

“The White House needs to call the Kremlin. Putin wants a call from Biden.,” this source told CDM.Press.  

The negotiations between the Ukraine and Russian delegations were not getting anywhere. Putin would agree to open up humanitarian corridors. Seemed not quite plausible that the man ordering the shelling would then want to morph into an humanitarian, but the next morning it was reported that Putin did want that.

But, as reality has prevailed, the war escalated further. 

Nevertheless, Putin is making it clear that he wants a call from Washington and the Biden administration knows it, and the world does now.

Only an administration that wants this war to continue would not make that phone under these dire circumstances, and it can no longer be denied that the White House does not know when the Finnish President has gone public. 

The evidence for urgency is overwhelming, and raises serious questions about President Biden’s capability to lead with nukes on the table. 

Cities are being flattened. Nearly three million refugees are pouring across Ukraine’s borders. Humanitarian needs are increasing daily while Ukrainian schools are closed. There is no water and electricity in many areas. Casualties are increasing. Russian fleets are moving. A mayor has been kidnapped. A maternity hospital has been blown up. Sex trafficking is a growing concern to the U.N. and regional NGOs. 

And, yet, the President of the United States has not picked up the phone to call President Putin. 

For weeks, foreign leaders from French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz , Finish President Sauli Niinistö to Chinese President Xi Jinping and Israeli Prime Minister Bennett have been speaking with President Putin. 

Even Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan met with Putin in Moscow to discuss bilateral issues in South East Asia, and oddly enough, attended a wreath-laying event at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 

The pattern emerging evokes not only a sense of urgency, but that either the White House lacks resolve to end this scourge in Ukraine, or is willing to sacrifice Ukrainians because it lacks will.  There is no sane reason for President Biden not to call Putin. 

Putin is a trained KGB agent which morphs into, “always in the battlefield,” says Finish president Sauli Niinistö. 

He takes his Orthodoxy seriously, and even has referred to Russia as “Mother Russia” and Putin’s tone is “determined” and “decisive,” noted President Niinistö, as have others Putin has spoken with of late.

Putin has told world leaders in these calls that “terrible things will happen…” if NATO takes action. 

He has claimed to the Finnish president that a change in government in Kyiv “was never” on his list of demands although that seems implausible while surrounding Kyiv, bombing it, but perhaps Putin’s plan was to beat President Zelensky and the West into submission. 

Putin told President Niinistö, as it has been confirmed by others to CDM.Press, that Crimea must be recognized as "part of Russia," and Donbas territory must be expanded. 

Putin ends his calls with “We continue to talk…” and, this time, “I am available,” says Sauli Niinistö.

That too has been confirmed by others speaking with Putin although they have chosen to remain silent. 

Ostensibly that may mean, Putin is on standby to move along negotiations. 

Now, that the President of Finland is on the record and has confirmed what CDM.Press has learned from other sources, it is time for President Biden to pick up the phone and call President Putin.

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