Before any American forces deploy to Ukraine, this truth needs to be told

SS style silver Hoheitszeichen/Hoheitsadler, SS' version of the Nazi Germany imperial eagle, the German 'eagle-and-swastika' national emblem featuring an art deco Reichsadler with expanded wings clutching a swastika inside a circular oak wreath
Image by Wolfmann

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During my recent trip to Kyiv, which led me to cross the Moldovan border on foot over a week later, I had the chance to interview several former senior leaders in the Ukrainian government on background.

There was one striking meeting.

The gentleman I was supposed to talk with, and his entourage walked in the room, along with a young man who was part of another group which I was to interview next. This young person was about 20 years of age, well-built.

I immediately noticed the Waffen SS death's head lapel pins on his collar. I had never met this person before, but he walked over to me, shook my hand, and proceed to perform a Hitler salute, declaring 'white power'. He put his wallet on the table and the SS version of the German eagle, along with the swastika was pinned to the outside.

I was somewhat taken aback as I have never seen such a display, not even growing up the Deep South during the '60s and 70s.

White supremacy is not a problem in the United States, but it definitely exists in Ukraine.

By the way, this article has nothing to do with support for Vladimir Putin or his invasion of the former Soviet republic. I have reported often about how Putin has harmed the Russian people by destroying their freedoms and the middle class. His invasion of Ukrainian territory is simply inexcusable. The violence against civilians is real and horrific, and Putin bears responsibility and should be held accountable.

But, at CDM, we search for the truth, no matter where the truth takes us. And the truth is, about 25% of the Ukrainian people support the Nazi ideology. Nowhere near all of them, but a significant percentage. This is simple fact.

I saw it up close and personal. I have witnesses who will back me up on this.

The media narrative here is just wrong.

Before any American forces deploy to Ukraine, this truth needs to be told.

The end.

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