• The Biden Regime Is Working For Our Enemies And Must Be Removed From Power

    April 3, 2022

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    Enough already!

    Afghanistan, the southern border, our economy, the US dollar, poisoning our military, indoctrinating our military, destroying our cities with crime...it is obvious the Biden regime is working for our enemies.

    Joe Biden is an organized crime head in it for the money, sex, and power.

    China, Iran, Russia are in it to make us slaves.

    Joe Biden and those controlling him must be removed from power as soon as possible.

    The only branch of government that is standing up for the American public in any semblance is a patriotic judiciary. Some are doing the right thing, from taking down the vaccine mandates to stopping CRT in our schools.

    Judges have to get involved to stop the invasion of our country, and remove this cancer from The White House.

    There is plenty of evidence of election fraud, just open your eyes.

    We have no more time.

    If you are a Federal judge with a spine - do the right thing - no matter what.

    Before it's too late.

    CDMedia is being targeted and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!       


    L Todd Wood

    L Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing. The first of his many thrillers is "Currency." Todd has been a national security columnist for The Washington Times and contributed to One American News, Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, Novaya Vremya (Ukraine), the New York Post, National Review, the Jerusalem Post, Zero Hedge and others. He is also founder/publisher of CDM. For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit LToddWood.com.
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    OVER it

    Its time to quit talking about it and do something, Unfortunately, the American people don't have the brains or guts to capitalize on the only solution. (Hint: the Declaration of Independence is your instruction manual)

    A A Ron

    One proven way to be rid of a snake. Yes the American people are gutless now, that's what allowing the enemy 2 generations of running your institutions of education will do.

    Stein Ove Hanslien

    This regime is a treath to HUMANITY!!!


    "Removed from power"? How about charged with treason, convicted and hanged? That used to happen when citizens worked for our enemies and against our country. Why isn't it being done NOW? Have our values fallen so far that we tolerate traitors in charge of our government?

    A A Ron

    In a nutshell, YES ! Because there is no 'American side' anymore. The dwellers of DC are all in it for themselves and don't give a rats ass about the people. The sooner the people finally figure this out and actually DO something besides make frownie faces and snarky memes, the better chance they have of salvaging what little is left.

    Brett M Short

    "OVER it" is just another in a long line of big mouths that sit in grandma's basement "waiting for it to begin" instead of take action to light the fire! These bozos, like Over it, will be the first to run because they're cowards, yellow, like war criminal Biden. OVER it has absolutely no clue what the US Declaration of Independence is or means. The clown would have been seen hiding under a wheelbarrow at the first shots at Lexington!

    A A Ron

    What's your excuse nancy boy? Don't see you doing much either. Project much?

    jan noll

    We just need a leader to tell us how to organize.


    This headline is a no brainer...but our "representatives" in tje Uniparty don't care about anything but making money.


    The widely known and documented fact that the race-hating Joe Biden supports and aligns himself with the Communist Chinese Party's genocidal engagements against not only their own people but ethnic minorities (muslims, blacks, indians) as well says a lot about the career kkkay member Joe Biden who has a long rep of issuing racial slurs in public.

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