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Guest post by John Hughes
In June 2020, GEN Mark Milley publicly stated regarding his appearance with then President Trump at a Church in DC, “I should not have been there. My presence in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.” In the same New York Times Article, GEN Milley revealed that he opposed Trump’s calls for federal troops to suppress riots that were causing billions of dollars in damage and dozens of deaths nationwide and used a democrat term ‘Jamestown, the Original Sin’.1
In September 2021, CNBC reported that GEN Milley talked to the Chinese top military officer without then President’ Trump’s knowledge because he (Milley) was concerned about Trump’s state of mind and to reassure the Chinese we were not going to war. The same article also explained how GEN Milley also had secret conversations with the Democrat Speaker of the House and reassured her that then President Trump could not launch nuclear missiles on his own. Milley then held secret meetings with the National Security Council because he “felt absolute certainty that the military could not control or trust Trump.”2
Interestingly, when the new president, Biden, displayed increasingly bizarre behavior, GEN Milley did not feel the need to call his Chinese or Russian counterparts to reassure them that the US was stable. Biden got lost in the Rose Garden, gave strange broken press conferences, forgot his wife’s name repeatedly, uses his own name in the 3rd person, and farts in front of world leaders. GEN Milley also did not seem to publicly oppose the deployment of thousands of Federal troops at both of President Biden’s national speeches. At the height of tensions with Russia, a nuclear power, Biden committed no less than 3 gaffe’s on live TV including a call for regime change in Russia, a defacto declaration of war, all of which were immediately corrected by his White House staff. Even French president Macron criticized Biden, saying “We want to stop the war that Russia has launched in Ukraine without waging war and without escalation,” Macron said. “If we want to do this, we must not be in the escalation, of either words or actions.”3
While GEN Milley may have indicated he wanted to appear nonpartisan, his actions betray his statements. He used pro Democrat rhetoric and confided in Democrat leaders and enemy generals to complain about then President Trump’s perceived mental unfitness for office. Over a year into office, the liberal media is finally starting to turn on Biden by finally acknowledging his deranged behaviors, that to many medical professionals is likely advanced dementia. Dementia doesn’t make Biden a bad man, but it does make him unfit for political leadership and certainly makes him dangerous in an escalating war of words against Vladimar Putin, who commands more nuclear warheads that Biden does. Despite this, GEN Milley has remained silent and voiced no concerns over Biden’s fitness for the Oval Office or his politically treacherous actions.
One may afford Milley the benefit of the doubt that he didn’t understand Donald Trump who appears to lack a filter on his speech. However, GEN Milley claims to be an Ivy League educated general and Trump’s behavior has been consistent and public and even the subject of many books throughout his career. No, it is becoming clearer that GEN Milley serves not the Constitution but the Democrat party and is America’s first partisan general.
Partisanship leads to loss of objectivity and judgement which is likely why GEN Milley acted dishonorably with his decision to execute the ill-fated withdrawal from Afghanistan and abandon Americans for the first time in American history. Quite possibly GEN Milley could have resurrected his reputation had he refused the Kabul orders and resigned in protest, but instead he chose to deflect blame and then attempt to be seen as a hero at events like the Army Air Force football game in late 2021. The boos from West Point graduates at his presence at the game will likely continue as he finishes his disgraceful tenure as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and fades into history as the man who betrayed his oath to so many ideals. GEN Milley is also incorrect, the ‘Original Sin(s)’ was not discovered by CRT theorists. Instead they were identified in early Christian societies and are pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. If you include his body habitus as a soldier, he is guilty of all 7.
John Hughes
USMA Class of 1996 (#1 graduate)
3rd Generation West Pointer
4 combat tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan
American Doctor
This article reflects the opinion of the author and not of any organization or corporation.
1Cooper, Helene. “Milley Apologizes for Role in Trump Photo Op: I Should Not Have Been There.” New York Times 11 June 2020
2Wilkie, Christina. “Top general Milley Reassured China, others in secret calls as Trump pushed election lies, spokesman says.” CNBC 15 September 2021.
Prokop, Andrew. “The controversy behind Biden’s off Script Putin comments explained.” Vox.com. 29 March 2022
Milley couldn't run a Boy scout Troop and Austin proved by his Syrian engagement that he couldn't run a Girl Scout Troop.
Gen Milly should resign he is a disgrace to the old army and so is that fool sec of def.We better hope we don't have to go to war with these fools running the show the US will get our ass kicked once again.