USAFA Superintendent General Clark - The Nuremberg Excuse Didn't Work Then, And It Doesn't Work Now
Karl Genzken during sentencing in Doctors' Trial, 9 December 1946-20 August 1947 (first of the Subsequent Nuremberg Trials) held at the Palace of Justice, Nuremberg

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I have been very vocal against the United States Air Force Academy (my alma mater) for its corrupt teaching of cultural Marxism and its Covid 'vaccine' mandates.

However, the recent actions of Superintendent Richard Clark, in forcing a cadet who is a cancer survivor and was advised to not take the Covid gene serum by his medical advisors (military and civilian), is simply beyond the pale.

One of those four cadets took the Pfizer COVID vaccine the next day, even though:

  1. He had been on “turnback” status away from the AF Academy for a year due to his having been treated for cancer with chemotherapy, etc.; and
  2. Both a military doctor and a civilian doctor had told him recently he should  not take the Pfizer COVID vaccine due to risks due to his medical history.

General Clark is using the excuse 'he is just following orders'. The excuse didn't work during the Nuremberg trial after the fall of the Third Reich, and it doesn't work now.

I have personally spoken to parents of cadets, and incoming cadets, who stated Clark's office informed them 'they were just following orders from above'.

General Clark, as well as the Department of Defense leadership, will eventually be held accountable for their actions in a courtroom.

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It is now obvious, General Clark (my classmate) is working against the United States of America, for which he took an oath to serve.

He is betraying his oath and should resign immediately.

The 'vaccines' are not vaccines. They are gene-altering compounds.

They don't stop transmission of Covid; in fact, the evidence shows they enhance transmission. All you have to do is look at the 'highly-vaxed' areas and their rate of infection to understand this.

The 'vaccines' are deadly to many. All you have to do is look at the Pfizer documents a judge forced the Pharma company to release to understand this. 1,200 dead in the first month? Let's 'vaccinate' everyone!

There is no benefit for young, healthy individuals to take the 'vaccine'. There is only risk. College-aged individuals have zero chance of dying from Covid, unless they have comorbidities, like a history of cancer.

In fact, evidence has shown the vaccines can 'activate' cancers in remission due to destruction of the human body's immune system.

Yet, Clark forces 'vaccination'.

Clark issues illegal orders that have and will harm the personnel under him.

Clark forces cadets to follow illegal orders.

The vaccines are a control mechanism to purge the force of religious service members, conservatives, and to weaken the force for Biden, who works for Xi Jinping.

Yes, those officers enforcing medical tyranny will be held accountable.