• LTG Williams' USSMA (United States Socialist Military Academy) – Established 2020 - The Academy Is Not The Problem, The Leadership Is

    June 28, 2022
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    Guest post by John Hughes

    LTG Darryl Williams, current Superintendent of West Point, is expected to be approved for promotion to 4 star general and Commander of US Army Europe and Africa.  Past Superintendents have moved on to higher levels of responsibility (notably Generals MacArthur, Taylor, and Westmoreland).  However, this is unusual in recent times, because the position now terminates in mandatory retirement unless a waiver is obtained.  This had been meant to help liberate Superintendents from unlawful command influence in the position.

    While LTG Williams seems to have had a distinguished career before leading West Point, there is much evidence that he has not had a successful tenure at USMA.  He presided over one of the largest honor scandals in USMA history for which he was rebuked by many graduates for showing favoritism to the football team (delaying honor investigations for the football season) and allowing cheaters to graduate and lead Army soldiers.  This past year West Point made headlines for yet another cocaine scandal, indicating he did little or nothing to restore discipline and enforcement of the law.  Several other serious accusations have been lodged against him, but he has refused to provide updates and explanations for his actions despite years of requests by graduates and politicians.

    Judicial Watch recently released over 600 pages of documents showing Critical Race Theory indoctrination at USMA.  The watchdog had to sue twice to obtain the documents.  LTG Williams denied CRT teaching at West Point to graduates in multiple public venues.  The Judicial Watch documents and other anecdotal reports show otherwise.  He has also refused to answer Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for years, even when they emanated from Senators, members of Congress, and retired general officers and lacking any obvious exemption to the legal FOIA process.

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    The question must be delicately asked, but is he being promoted on merit or for affirmative action?  There is quite a bit of evidence that points to incompetence, favoritism, and lack of honor on his part for either telling false truths of goings on at West Point or showing outright insolence towards civilian authority by refusing to answer reasonable questions about his activities.  With Europe on the precipice of World War 3, is a political/social promotion in the best interests of the US Army, United States and the World?  Can such an officer be trusted to “choose the harder right over the easier wrong” (excerpt from West Point’s Cadet Prayer) in the execution of his new duties and shake off the disgraceful legacy of failed General officer leadership in Afghanistan or will he be yet another obedient political figure?

    As he likely leaves West Point for higher office, he leaves behind a legacy as the 3rd Superintendent in a row to be mired in controversy and for succeeding in bringing the CRT civil war to West Point.  CRT is rooted in Marxism, a philosophy antithetical to the Constitution and the freedoms it secures for Americans.

    As the first African American Superintendent of USMA, his tenure will surely be memorialized in some public fashion.  Perhaps the ‘racist’ statue of George Washington on the parade field will be replaced by something closer to his heart such as this one.

    John Hughes

    1996 USMA Graduate (#1 in class)

    Combat Veteran (4 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan)


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