• After Battling Bureaucrats Throughout Presidency, Trump Gets Last Laugh Against 'Deep State'

    July 3, 2022
    Image by Kingofthedead.

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    Donald Trump accused the "deep state" of trying to ruin his presidency from Russia collusion to two impeachments, but the 45th president may have gotten the last laugh 18 months after leaving office when a Supreme Court infused with three of his appointees drastically reined in the powers of alphabet-soup federal bureaucracy.

    Thursday's ruling in the case of West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agencysignificantly confined the ability of unelected federal bureaucrats to make law or policy outside of Congress.

    In the decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the court held 6-3 under the so-called major questions doctrine, judges can strike down federal agency regulations that have substantial economic effects when Congress did not give explicit authority to the agency to make such decisions...

    To read more visit Just The News.

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    Chip Henry

    When we get the president that Americans elect, we need to have Congress give the power to the president of releasing from employment the vast quantities of bureaucrats that actually run much of the country, and the ability to remove sections of the government that shouldn't exist. My biggest example is the Department of Education. That is not a federal role. Creating many of our federal departments is a result of corruption and they need to be eliminated, and the power returned to the state, with the federal budget and taxes to reflect the change, allowing states more flexibility to oversee those areas and to tax accordingly.


    Love the True Factual article's for sure. Ya all do great work.God Bless America


    Conservatives think they are on a role with the SCOTUS decisions.
    I think the decisions are political hallucinogens that are meant to induce a false sense of normality.
    The midterms Nov. 3 will be deciding the fate of America and the constitution.
    There are 3 possibilities...
    1. The midterms are stolen as in 2020. Maybe the DEMs do a better job?
    2. Chaos is generated to such an extent in Sept. and Oct. that martial law is imposed, and midterms cancelled.
    3. GOP RINOs win big and absolutely nothing gets changed. The drive to totalitarianism picks up speed.

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