• ‘The Shot Heard Round The World’

    August 11, 2022

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    The news of the FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago hit me like any Trump supporter. First, there was fear, then outrage, and finally, anger. It turned my stomach. “We are now living in Czechoslovakia,” I thought. Not today’s Czech Republic, but the former Communist country where political opponents were thrown out of multiple story windows. But then, came a sense of calm. I resolved everything was happening just as it was supposed to, and in its appointed time. I knew the MAGA movement is unstoppable and Trump’s re-election in 2024 is not only inevitable, but providential.

    The cabal that runs the entire world is crumbling. Their systems are collapsing, and world leaders who don’t have the best interest of their people at heart have lost their grip. That collapse will continue as it spreads through every political system, including ours. 

    Yet, it’s an exciting time to be alive and watch this narrative unfold. It is the defeat of evil by the good and the righteous. It is a story of justice. Clearly, President Trump is no Boy Scout; he is an imperfect instrument. However, he is the one responsible for our awakening. We would have never known the full extent of media corruption, had he not first called them out as “FAKE NEWS.” That was just the beginning.

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    We continued to open our eyes throughout his presidency, as the real world came into focus. The people were no longer asleep, and our agenda was set in motion. President Trump ignited a movement so big and so powerful - that it even dwarfs him. Removing him as figurehead will not stem the red tide.

    Today a groundswell of patriots stand outside the President’s home in support and solidarity. Across the country there are grass roots organizations rising up, and most America First candidates were triumphant at the polls. This should be a source of great alarm to the establishment because our movement has its own strong sense of intuition. We are not coordinated by anyone in particular, yet, we all understand what to do next. 

    The world now watches in shock as political corruption, once imagined only in the Third World, now openly corrodes the greatest democracy in history. But the world should fear not, because a revolution is coming to America and the raid on Mar-a-Lago was ‘the shot heard round the world.’


    Tamara Lashchyk

    Tamara Lashchyk is an entrepreneur, investor, coach and political commentator. Before starting her business, Tamara had a long standing and successful career on Wall Street – having worked at top tier Investment Banks such as JP Morgan, Merrill Lynch, Bank of America and Deutsche Bank. In May of 2019 Tamara was a recipient of the Women of Wall Street Award for the notable work she has done to advance women in the industry. She is the Author of the book Lose the Gum, A Survival Guide for Women on Wall Street, Main Street & Every Street in Between. In November 2020, Tamara ran for NY State Assembly in Manhattan’s District 66 which gave her a unique perspective behind the scenes of American politics. She is now a contributor to CD Media and co-hosts the Wild Promise Podcast.
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    And the delusion continues on. Rino and DS puppets are continuing to be selected. Evil is winning everywhere!! Why can't you see that? No amount of hopium is going to change what is coming. We are going into the great reset, like it or not, believe it or not. You need to take your head out of the sand and face reality. The only way out of this is Jesus coming to get us and I'm anxious to go. This world holds nothing for me anymore, it's not my home. I want to go home. And I will very soon along with the rest of believers. Maranatha!!!!!!! After the Wisconsin primary last tue, I have come to realize nothing will be fixed, we are too far gone. People don't have any common sense anymore. We try to do the right thing and get obstructed by someone. This time it was Trump. He endorsed the bad guy and the bad guy won. Tim Ramthun was the only one who was actually fighting for election integrity and Trump endorsed the other guy. I trust no one anymore especially Trump. He says he is for us but his actions say otherwise. I will not be voting this november. I have lost all faith in our elections. It doesn't matter who wins now, Michels or Evers, it's all the same. Vos won again, which he knew he would, he didn't even have to compaign. The selections have been made and our votes mean nothing. Take your hopium and leave us alone. You're doing more harm than good.


    Wow, what a great post by our resident CCP agent! Give up! Stay home! No thanks, take it elsewhere

    Tim from Montana

    God always keeps his promises. Donald Trump has blessed Israel and will be blessed. We are merely separating the true patriots from those who must be destroyed. If you are not with us you are against us.


    Galatians 3:16

    King James Version

    16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.

    Galatians 3:29

    King James Version

    29 And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

    There are no promises from God to these Christ denying jevvs whose most “holy” book the jevv talmud claims Jesus Christ is in hell boiling in his own excrement. Well, except for the promise that when divine judgement comes every single Christ denying jevv will be cast into the oven they ought to be worried about.


    Galatians 3:16

    King James Version

    16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.

    Galatians 3:29

    King James Version

    29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

    There are no promises from God to these Christ denying jevvs whose most "holy" book the jevv talmud claims Jesus Christ is in hell boiling in his own excrement. Well, except for the promise that when divine judgement comes every single Christ denying jevv will be cast into the oven they ought to be worried about.


    We won't have to wait until 2024 - Alleluia! Thank you for a great article! God's plan trumps anything and everything our enemies think they will try. God Bless America and all those who are standing and fighting for this great nation and for freedom in the world!


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