• Forbidding Internal Investigations Is The Height Of Tyranny

    March 6, 2023
    Biden, Harris, Plan B, And Democrat Problems
    Image by DonkeyHotey

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    We live in a Constitutional republic, not a democracy. That being said, all government officials, elected and non-elected, have checks and balances on their power. The First Amendment is specifically designed to allow public criticism of government officials to expose incompetence and/or criminality. 

    In a CNN interview projected to air on 6 March 2023, First Lady Jill Biden called discussions for mental fitness testing for the President “ridiculous.” She went on to declare “We would never discuss anything like that.”

    Words have meaning. Who is the ‘we’ she is referencing in our statement? Is ‘we’ the President? Does the self-proclaimed defender of democracy, who ‘protected’ America from the existential threat of J6, consider himself to be immune to discussion of his performance and physical ability to do his job? Is the ‘we’ his White House physician, Dr Kevin O’Connor, who bears the dual responsibility of caring for the President/First Family and also ensuring the President is healthy enough to do his job? Is ‘we’ the well-recognized left leaning media that incessantly insisted that overweight Donald Trump was unfit to lead yet has given Biden a pass on his many bizarre demented moments on TV and in front of a microphone?

    On 16 February 2023, Dr O’Connor sent a standard annual health summary to the White House Press Secretary that listed Biden’s recent COVID-19 infections, atrial fibrillation, high cholesterol, reflux, allergies, arthritis, neuropathies, former skin cancer, routine eye/dental exams, and medication list. No mention was made of his increasingly strange mental gaffes that required staff to shut the microphone off and usher him offstage. No mention of growing public concerns for dementia or conditions that could be causing dementia symptoms. O’Connor has been Biden’s personal physician for over 14 years now. As a former military officer, he should know the importance of duty and how country and the Constitution are more important than personal relationships. It doesn’t take an MD or DO certificate to see in the news and on video that there is something wrong with President Biden.

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    The media is failing in its most important role in our Constitutional republic – to be the watchdog to protect the people from the tyranny of government. Even news organizations from other countries make fun of Biden routinely for his insane mental lapses. As a physician, I don’t mock Biden but I do have a concern for his health and for his ability to lead the nation. Disability is a serious thing and it doesn’t make a person sub-human. However, the Presidency demands a certain level of mental and physical ability to lead the most powerful nation in the world. Recall the Biden administration’s many attempts to suppress dissent under the guise of ‘misinformation’ boards and directives. If he is truly healthy, then he should have nothing to hide. Only those who speak false truths use power and intimidation to suppress critics.

    Such authoritarian behavior has great company. Putin’s political critics have a curious habit of throwing themselves off of rooftops in the middle of the night. China has a long history of crushing dissent – just 2 weeks ago a women’s rights protest was cancelled, and Chinese police threatened attendees to disperse. Twitter’s recent revelations show many instances of Biden’s executive branch interfering with free speech and suppressing dissent concerning its policies. The ’we’ Jill Biden referred to is unacceptable. No one in the government or outside of elected office should obstruct discussion and investigation into fitness for office. Presidential leadership is not a game or Tik Tok video, it is a serious affair. American citizens deserve answers concerning Biden’s health.

    John Hughes, MD
    Veteran of Iraq/Afghanistan

    Co-Chair of www.americanism24.org a registered SUPERPAC

    1 https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/jill-biden-first-lady-joe-biden/2023/03/05/id/1111162/

    2 https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/3212435/hong-kong-political-group-says-police-warned-members-not-attend-rally-later-cancelled-womens-rights


    John Hughes

    Emergency Physician. United States Military Academy Class of 1996. #1 graduate. 3rd Generation West Pointer. 4 combat tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. www.americandoctor.org Member of STARRS.US & MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates.
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    Why do Democrats bother forbidding investigations? No matter what gets uncovered, Democrats get a free pass. It's not like ANY of these "investigations" will result in charges for ANY an the Left...and, in fact, won't even result in forcing them to stop breaking the law! LOL! Heck, the investigations ONLY help Democrats. They use the fact that charges NEVER follow in order to claim they've been cleared of suspicion!

    Anne Reiser

    Zelensky passed a new law that could allow his government to block news websites/ the bill expands the govt's regulatory power over news media.The law expands the authority of Ukraine's state broadcasting council, meaning that it will be able to regulate all media in Ukraine. Under previous legislation, enacted in 2019 under the Zelensky government, the council has the power to issue licenses, conduct inspections, and impose sanctions on television and radio companies. https://www.newsweek.com/zelensky-accused-censorship-over-ukraine-media-law-1770958
    And porn star Zelensky attempted to bar Orthodox churches that answer to the Russian Orthodox Church......


    Lie-beral Demonocrats do not investigate Lie-beral Demonocrats and they are fugitives from truth.


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