• Joyful Warriors

    September 3, 2023
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    Get grounded, be like a tree

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    During a recent leadership gathering in Montana, one of our excellent state legislators and I talked with a friend about our attitudes during times of turmoil. Times when it looks like America will learn hard lessons about the frailty of liberty. My legislative friend, whom we will call Steve, said that I was always smiling and happy no matter what was going on and then told our friend that he was certain I just wanted to get the evil people to smile before I punched them in the mouth.

    As a joke, it was funny; as a life lesson, it is worth retelling. I would never punch anybody except in self-defense. Fortunately, “Steve” was only talking about how I tend to smile and laugh while destroying people’s false arguments or when testifying to committees.

    Nothing is going on in the world or our nation that should prevent us from being joyful, while still standing in courage and conviction. Unwavering under the assault on truth and decency. In fact, nothing drives the power-hungry crazier than a group of people who will not be brought down. As the scoffers scream at and mock us, we must keep smiling and laughing, for it is wonderful armor. The joy of the LORD is my strength.

    I am Darin, Co-founder, and national spokesman for Restore Liberty, and that is my story. Next, I will introduce you to Rebecca, Restore Liberty State Director in Mississippi.

    One of the privileges of being the Restore Liberty Mississippi Director includes traveling to or hosting various classes, meetings, events, and planning sessions with the goal of implementing Restore Liberty’s vision for restoring liberty and freedom back to Americans as intended by God and our nation’s founding intent. The number one question I am asked is, “Rebecca, despite all the setbacks we have in the fight, how do you continue to maintain your joy?” I feel a welcoming sentiment when asked, and it never gets old. The answer is simple, yet still profound. It is for the joy set before us that we run the race with perseverance and endurance. What does this even mean?

    A main theme in the book of Hebrews is the perseverance of our faith. This is directly tied to the hope and truth that God is always present with us, and one day, our faith and hope shall end in sight! God is present with us now just as He was present with those who have gone before us to blaze freedom’s trails. We have seen their visions of faith, and their legacies produced many of the blessings we enjoy even today. Like them, we rely on the Cross and have bedrock joy that is unwavering and unshakeable. We even find joy in the sacred duty to steward well the gifts of our Constitutional Republic. Joy sustains and girds us firmly through the most strenuous of times. Nehemiah 8:10 says, “The joy of the Lord is our strength.” We should consider Christ who endured such opposition so that even today, we do not have to grow weary or lose heart! We can even “sing for joy” for the Lord is right, good, and fair. His entire earth is filled with his loving-kindness. May this set the person of Hope steadfastly in your heart and re-focus your gaze and stewardship to what is eternal.

    I am Rebecca, and that is my story. Next, I will introduce you to Wendi, Restore Liberty State Director in Oklahoma.

    Psalm 100 “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him and bless his name. For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth to all generations.”

    As we face the challenges of restoring our republic to the vision of our founders, it is vital that we remember that we are all children of God before all else, and that it is their belief in God and the Bible that the founders used to establish this country under conditions that are unimaginable to us today. As the Oklahoma State Director for Restore Liberty I have been honored to join others of like minds around the country and benefit spiritually from the positive attitude and constant encouragement from the other members of this organization. God reminds us throughout His Word that He loves us and will carry us through any and all hardships of this life. It is easy to reflect daily as I work and travel through the state presenting election integrity data to various groups around Oklahoma, recruiting constitutional candidates for elected office, and educating others in history, to remain joyful in my mind and soul knowing that He has already won all our battles before they begin. The patriotism, prayers, and eagerness inherent in this God-fearing state help keep my joy renewed.

    My two children, miracles and gifts from God, help keep me anchored and remind me daily of His promises that He keeps, which reinforces the joy even further. Showing gratitude to God for all His blessings especially in trying times is a way to allow His love and more blessings through to your life. It’s easy to be joyful in the good and easy times. It takes work to remain joyful in the hard times, but that work is the most rewarding. Serving my neighbors and knowing that one day I will be able to see Christ and thank Him for His sacrifice for me and live eternally with Him is enough to bring me peace and joy that will never end.

    I am Wendi, and that is my story. Next, I will introduce you to Hollis, Restore Liberty State Director in Louisiana.

    "It is weakness rather than wickedness, which renders men unfit to be trusted with unlimited power" John Adams 1787

    Gratitude and Liberty. Those two words mean so much more to me than the draconian pre-Covid shot/lockdown days. I thank Almighty God every morning that I am a citizen of America because we have so many conveniences, luxuries, and opportunities. We are blessed to have a volunteer military willing to defend us at a moment's notice, and we must protect it from any agenda that seeks to destroy it. We are in a spiritual and cultural war for the soul of our nation that will define the next generation. Gratitude and Liberty keep me laser-focused on my priorities.

    I truly enjoy the simpler things in life more, like watching my kids play sports, the smell and process of making my coffee 3-4 times a day, the good feeling of mastering a newly cut lawn and its fresh smell and going to the gym. Can you believe our government forbade us from going to gyms, but we could go to the casino? I constantly think about Romans 8:28, "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." If the insane lockdowns and mandates don't happen, I'm not where I am today, and I'm not typing this right now.

    I often catch myself wondering about the beginning days of our incredible nation. What did our Founding Fathers talk about when they weren't organizing the most amazing country ever? Their accomplishments motivate me today. I am grateful for what they did and think about it daily. It's truly amazing what they pulled off. There is no doubt that Almighty God has his hand in the organization and development of our great nation. We are on the winning side of this battle between light and dark. We know who wins. The script has been written. We are called to fight until the very end. There is no chance to win unless we engage in the fight. We are fighting to restore the limited government within our Founders' framework for our Constitutional Republic.

    Government overreach has become an alarming issue within our country. We need to restore our individual liberties and defend our constitutionally protected God-given rights from the WOKE radical mob. An expanded government is not the answer to solve any problem in society. Individual freedom is the highest order, and We the People, are the answer. I firmly believe we can and will restore the soul of our nation.

    Most importantly, I am grateful for our American soldiers. These brave men and women define sacrifice. When I think of freedom, I think of the American Flag and our soldiers. Freedom and Liberty...Liberty and Freedom...I love those words. I am so grateful for those words and their definition. I may be more grateful than a few years ago because my 20-year-old son, Ruston, is in the Army and stationed in Bavaria, Germany. I am so honored that he is protecting us. As a soldier, he is willing to die for the colors of red, white, and blue.

    I am Hollis, and that is my story.

    Joy and happiness are not the same, and it is important to know the difference. Happiness can come and go depending on the situation, but joy must be part of our character. It has deep roots and keeps us grounded during life's worst storms. Like a strong tree in a hurricane, joy lets us bend but not break. Our joy is built on the promises of God and our eternal destination, not our current circumstances.

    Around us, we see a world falling apart. War, child trafficking, drugs, fake pandemics, and every kind of criminal behavior and corruption dominate the headlines. The news surrounds us with the negative, and we become the punching bag that absorbed too many hits. Problems abound, and solutions are few.

    Smiles and laughter are still free.

    By now, you may be asking yourself where one can gain such joy despite the darkness surrounding us. It is from Jesus Christ and knowing that whatever happens to us on earth is temporary, and we, as Christians, can look forward to a perfect eternity with our creator. Life is much more than this moment in time on Earth. People will mock us, spit on us, and maybe kill us, but we can still count it great joy because of what is coming in eternity and not what has already passed.

    The Christian life is not easy in the temporal; in the eternal, it will be worth it all.

    Image by Frettie

    Lt Col (ret), US Army, Darin Gaub is a Co-founder of Restore Liberty, an international military strategist, foreign policy analyst, executive leadership coach, ordained Bible minister, and serves on the boards of multiple volunteer national and state level organizations. The views presented are those of the author and do not represent the views of the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, or its components. He can be contacted at [email protected], and on Twitter - @Darin_Gaub and Substack

    Rebecca Chaney is the Director for Restore Liberty Mississippi, and she sits on the board for the Mississippi Freedom Caucus. She is a lifetime Patriot Academy Constitution Coach and has hosted Biblical Citizenship and Constitutional classes since 2020. She has helped to start these classes all across the state of Mississippi. She is a homeschool Mom of seven years to her son and daughter. You can read more of her work at https://substack.com/@rebeccachaney and www.restore-liberty.org

    Hollis Day is the liberty-loving conservative voice of Sage Money Radio in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He is the Restore Liberty State Director in Louisiana, and an America-First uncompromising fighter that believes in limited government. He is a Christian, the father of 4, an avid outdoorsman, a fitness enthusiast, and a lover of good Cajun food. He is currently a candidate for the 66th district for the state House of Representatives.

    Wendi Montgomery Dial is the Oklahoma State Director for Restore Liberty, Principal Co-Founder of Oklahoma Liberty and Integrity Group, a descendant of five Revolutionary War veterans and a geologist. She is an alternatively certified teacher in the state of Oklahoma in Earth Science and substitute teaches at Edmond Public Schools. She has been investigating election integrity in Oklahoma since Nov 4, 2020 and travels the state presenting the data uncovered by herself and others. Her ongoing research surrounding elections and other matters pertaining to Oklahoma can be found at www.oklig.org and the Restore Liberty Oklahoma Substack. She can be contacted at [email protected] and found on Truth Social at @Rockgirl.

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    Darin Gaub

    Lt Col (ret), US Army, Darin Gaub is a Co-founder of Restore Liberty, an international military strategist, foreign policy analyst, executive leadership coach, ordained Bible minister, and serves on the boards of multiple volunteer national and state level organizations. The views presented are those of the author and do not represent the views of the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, or its components. He can be contacted at [email protected]
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