• The WEF Is Trying To Soften Its Image - Don't Fall For It

    January 19, 2024

    Don't stop working for Trump, he's not in The White House yet

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    Argentinian President Javier Milei is not who he says he is. He is part of an information operation by the World Economic Forum.

    The first thing he did upon taking office was to renege on his promise to exit the 'climate treaty'. You can't 'unsee' that, no matter how much it would make you feel good to do so.

    Believe me, although Milei's speech was encouraging to many, he would not have been allowed to give it if Klaus Schwab and crew didn't green light it.

    Others were also brought to the WEF in Davos this year to 'soften their image' and create the illusion they are open to differing opinion.

    They are not.

    Much of the WEF panels revealed the exact opposite. They talked openly of complete censorship and how 'The Deplorables' are the main 'threat to democracy'.

    They openly talked of 'Disease X', to kill you all.

    They are trying to lull you to sleep -- don't worry -- everything is okay. Trump is coming back.

    For goodness' sake, the theme of this year's Hitler acolyte party was 'Rebuilding Trust.'

    Don't you get it?

    Don't fall for it.

    Keep working, every second of every day to save the republic.

    All is not lost, but neither is everything won.

    Don't worry, the red wave is coming - remember that? How did that turn out?

    Even Jamie Dimon at the WEF was part of the act - kissing Trump's ring in an interview with CNBC in Davos.

    Those saying 'Trump is back'...how do they know this?

    Have the machines been fixed?

    No, they have not.

    Don't be so gullible and fall for the psyop...again.

    I don't hear any media entities loudly talking about fixing the elections except CDM.

    Paper ballots please.

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    L Todd Wood

    L Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing. The first of his many thrillers is "Currency." Todd has been a national security columnist for The Washington Times and contributed to One American News, Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, Novaya Vremya (Ukraine), the New York Post, National Review, the Jerusalem Post, Zero Hedge and others. He is also founder/publisher of CDM. For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit LToddWood.com.
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    It's to "win back your trust". And take a coofy booster...




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