• The Pipe-Bomb Caper

    January 23, 2024
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    The FBI must come forward with the whole truth [or else] Republicans have a duty to tear the FBI down to its foundation…." — Charlie Kirk

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    Originally posted at Kunstler.com

      Kudos to Darren J. Beattie of Revolver News and Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) for doing the FBI’s work for the FBI, smoking out the role of law enforcement (including the FBI) in but one module of the J6 operation that turned a peaceful mass assembly of disgruntled voters into a riot in order to color it as an “insurrection” and so destroy opposition to the  falsely-elected, tyrannically corrupt, and epically deranged regime fronted by the ghost-in-the-White House, “Joe Biden.”

    Two cars are shown parked blocking the driveway to the basement garage: a white Washington DC Metro Police SUV and a black Secret Service cruiser — because Veep Kamala Harris happened to be in the building at the time. A man with a backpack, later identified as a plainclothes Capitol Police officer, steps up first to the Metro car, then to the Secret Service cruiser, cueing minutes of slow milling-about by the officers in the two cars. Eventually several cops dawdle over to the bench to inspect what turns out to be a pipe-bomb planted in plain sight on the ground there. The video shows no effort to cordon-off the area or to stop cars or pedestrians (children) from entering the scene near the bomb.

    Video (still photos above) from another closed-circuit camera outside the DNC from the night before J6 showed a different mysterious masked-and-hooded figure with a backpack loitering at that same bench, ostensibly planting the pipe-bomb. In three years, the FBI has been unable to identify or locate this character. That night video shows signs of tampering and the frame-rate is sub-standard. The video is time-stamped 17 hours before the police find the bomb around one o’clock the next day. Strangely, the timer fixed to the outside of the bomb turns out to be a one-hour egg-timer. . . as I said, planted seventeen hours before. How’s that supposed to work?

    At 4:05 of the Massie video (top one from Mr. Beattie’s “X” feed), someone at DC Metro Police headquarters by remote control pans the closed-circuit camera toward the bench itself and zooms close-up (4:17) to the pipe-bomb (still photo above). Secret Service agents finally get out of their cruiser, amble over to look at the bench and the bomb, while kids are allowed to cross the street right in front of the bomb. Moments later, the SS agents pile back in their cruiser and pull out of the scene, leaving Kamala Harris inside the building with the bomb still planted. More DC Metro cars pull up to the scene, parking right in front of what would be the pipe-bomb’s blast zone. End of video.

        Rather mysterious behavior, wouldn’t you say? Most particularly, nobody among all those LEOs shows any fear of the bomb going off, no effort to get out of the way. Were they a hundred percent sure it was a fake bomb? How would they know? You can assume there was some phone communication going on in those two cars. Did somebody call the FBI? Did the FBI tell the Secret Service agents, “Nah, don’t worry, it’s a dummy bomb.” How would the FBI know that? (Unless they arranged the whole caper.)

         A number of commentators on “X” (Twitter) have remarked on the peculiar point that in three years since J6/21, Kamala Harris has barely uttered a peep about almost getting blown-up that day. You think she’d be blaring that from the steps of the Executive Office Building right into the microphones of NBC News and CNN — just as Liz Cheney, AOC, and Nancy Pelosi have been blubbering to the news media over their near-murder at the hands of J-Sixers, to fortify the “insurrection” narrative.

         For three years the entire mainstream media showed zero interest in any facet of the pipe-bomb story — and let’s not forget, there was a second identical pipe-bomb planted at the RNC headquarters a two-minute walk away from the DNC. How come such strenuous lack of interest? You might hypothesize the obvious: that the media (and the blob regime they serve) don’t want anybody looking into the matter, or even becoming aware of it.

         Here’s what you might suppose actually did happen: some person among the FBI, the Capitol Police, the Metro Police, or some other blob agency, planted those bombs (or, shall we say, those pipes with egg-timers fastened to them, because the police have never revealed what was inside them). They were originally intended to cause a police hullaballoo that would prompt an evacuation of Congress in order to disrupt the electoral vote certification and the objections entailed. But the bombs were not needed because Capitol Police and other LEOs on the scene at the Capitol itself had commenced lobbing flash-bang grenades and shooting rubber bullets into the crowd around one o’clock, while still other shadowy figures among the crowd, say, the character known as Ray Epps (“You need to go into the Capitol, into the Capitol”) instigated an invasion of the building, which even more successfully and colorfully drove out the senators and Congresspersons.

          Thus, the “insurrection,” another long-running blob hoax that is now wobbling and unravelling, like RussiaGate and UkraineGate before it. What’s actually needed, in the immortal phrasing of Ray Epps, is an inquiry into the original House J6 Committee monkey business, and especially how chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) happened to order the destruction of all the committee’s accumulated evidence, including video of witness depositions and the transcripts.

         The pipe bomb caper has come back to bite the blob on its gelatinous ass. What’s also needed are depositions from the Metro Police officers and the Secret Service agents who were in those two cars outside the DNC that day, explaining why they carried on the way they did. Are the authorities going to pretend now that they can’t find out who they are? Maybe FBI Director Chris Wray can shed some light on that in a House hearing room, or else go on the record that he can’t say because. . . reasons.

    Meanwhile, it also happens that the US Supreme Court is about take up the matter of the janky federal law —  the “Enron Law,” 18 U.S. Code Section 1512(c)(2), or “Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant” — that was used to hang felony charges around the necks of hundreds of J6 protesters, who otherwise did little besides stroll around inside the Capitol taking selfies. The court’s decision is likely to vacate all those charges, as well as charges against presidential candidate Donald Trump similarly (and erroneously) cooked up by Special Counsel Jack Smith. The mills of justice turn slowly, but they grind exceeding fine. . . .

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