• Brace For Impact

    February 5, 2024
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    “It’s not enough to say it’s nuts, you have to explain why it’s so nuts.” – Terrance McKenna

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    Originally posted at Kunstler.com

     “Joe Biden’s” victory dance in South Carolina — down on the ol’ Democratic Party Plantation, where they grows votes — didn’t last long. By Sunday, a rogue satellite named Tucker Carlson was spotted orbiting over Russia, Russia, Russia, a country you have to say three times so that people get how serious it is. Carlson threatens to actually sit down in the same room with Putin, Putin, Putin — the antithesis of “Joe Biden,” since Putin actually operates as head-of-state — and convey Mr. P’s thoughts and opinions to the citizens of America via the rascally social media platform called “X.”

          Do you realize the danger of exposing Americans to what this Putin might say? Hearing him express his thoughts about the world situation in a leisurely format — which Putin does regularly among his own people (I’ve seen him do it!) — is liable to inform Americans that their own political leadership is a party of mental illness.

    Even without this new provocation of a Carlson / Putin colloquy, folks in the land of the free and the home of the brave have begun to grok just how insane things have gone under “Joe Biden” blobism. And that darn conversation comes just egg-zackly at the moment when our Senate is attempting to package a bill tying a $60-billion taxpayer gift to Ukraine with a “border security” law that will forbid more than 8,500 foreigners on any given day to enter the USA illegally. Sweet deal, huh? Er. . . maybe not. On the House side of Congress, Speaker Mike Johnson says, “No way, José.”

         So, do you really want to chance this Putin guy actually explaining calmly and clearly to folks here how our own State Department cooked up this war in Ukraine, and keeps it going month after month? Figures such as the ex-conservative Bill Kristol (now blob cheerleader), want to prevent the Tucker Carlson satellite from re-entering the USA after its Moscow visit. Mr. Kristol is apparently under the illusion that we are at war with Russia. Somebody please inform him that this is just not so. Strictly speaking, Russia is just another European nation that Americans can visit on a visa. That’s a fact, Jack. And if you happen to be there, and you’re a journalist, and Putin, Putin, Putin agrees to an interview, well. . . you sit down and talk to the guy. . . and record it. . . and let people around the world decide what to think about it.

    I don’t know about you, but that sounds a little. . . I dunno. . . fascist-y to me. Which is the dirty secret of the Party of Mental Illness that folks in the USA are beginning to grok. All their blather about “our democracy” is a smokescreen for the lust to shutdown free speech at all costs and push everybody around. It will be interesting to see who shows up at the jetway when Mr. Carlson actually does land back in America. The FBI, you think? With a set of leg-irons (like they did with Peter Navarro)?

         Mr. Putin might also explain how immigration works in Russia, Russia, Russia, where you have to fill out an application, explain who you are, and be evaluated as worthy to enter. Not everybody makes the grade. But, surprise, surprise, surprise, not everybody seeks to enter a country with good intentions. Can you imagine that? The Party of Mental illness in America does not believe that anyone can have less than good intentions. At least that’s what they pretend (because they are mentally ill). So, anyone at all can drift across the Mexican border into the USA. They call that “diversity and inclusion.” It’s a thought problem.

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        We are letting a lot of people with probably less than good intentions into our country. The home folks are getting a bit riled up about it. The home folks are certainly not falling for Nikki Haley’s bullshit. Nikki Haley is trying to out-Biden “Joe Biden.” She appeared the other day as the featured guest-star on the blob’s comedy show, Saturday Night Live, doing her impression of a mentally ill presidential candidate. Nikki excels at that. She is represented by the blob’s CIA talent agency. The same agency handles the vote tabulation machines around the USA, so let’s see how Nikki does in the South Carolina Republican primary on February 24. “Joe Biden” got 97 percent of the vote there last week. Stunning and awesome! Can Nikki beat that?

              The Zephyrs of spring are hardly nascent and even in the cruel depths of winter we are beginning to see an uprising stir throughout Western Civ. The farmers have had enough of being pushed around, overtaxed, and blustered and have taken the lead in disrupting the bad intentions of the Euroblob. The American truck convoy is headed to Texas to assist the Texans in controlling the border that the USAblob refuses to control. The court cases against Mr. Trump are wobbling like $1.99 gyroscopes. And who was not horrified by the act that E. Jean Carroll put on with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC? There is your political mental illness in a neat snapshot. Do you really want your country to be like that?


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    Not sure if this is related to TC and Russia, but not sure it's not! In trying to follow whatever is going on today, this just came up:

    Listen to General Flynn and make this viral: leading cell phone data analytics firm reports J6 pipe bomber is DOJ/FBI.



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