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I heard a story a while back, that during the Bolshevik Revolution, a man rushed into a theater in Moscow, yelling, "There's a revolution happening outside! People are dying!" and the theater customers told him to be quiet, the show wasn't over.

Then they all were killed by the communists of course.

WWIII is approaching and Americans are at the movies, getting tatted up, and shopping at Walmart to feed their expanding waistlines.

In other news...

Israel is about to attack Iran folks.

This is a big deal.

It won't be a prick like the Iranian strike, it will be devastating, the Shia world will be forced to respond.

The the U.S. will then be forced to get involved, and give the Neocons the wet dream they've always wanted - America will attack Iran and get drawn into WWIII.

Meanwhile the Chinese Communist Party bides its time, waiting for the opportune moment to invade Taiwan, and destroy American access to computer chips, and with it the American economy.

Ukraine is about to collapse, adding another front to the global conflict where Biden will force American involvement.

Our sons and daughters will die.

This war is being engineered by our psychopathic overlords.

Stop being so damn ignorant and apathetic America!

This needs to stop -- now!

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