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Joe Biden Is Spending Money That Will Never Be Paid Back.  

Years from now, we may recognize this $6+ trillion of irresponsible spending as the event which destroyed the bond market's faith in the U.S to pay its debts.

This Could Lead To An Interest Rate Spike That Will Devastate The U.S. Economy!

Meanwhile the Russian Federation is passing laws to buy gold with their sovereign wealth fund, as the U.S. dollar becomes too risky.

“It will be possible to place the funds of the National Wealth Fund (NWF) on bank accounts with the Bank of Russia in precious metals, particularly in gold, which is traditionally a defensive asset,” declared the Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin this week.

In other words, the Russians want to maintain their wealth and are getting scared of the greenback's ability to do so as hyper-inflation approaches due to Biden's out of control spending.

Here’s How to Get Out of the Dollar  

To prepare for a plummeting dollar, Dr. Ron Paul offers one simple piece of advice: Gold. In short, he calls it his “insurance against the dollar fiasco.”

Today, one of the best ways to move into gold and silver is to convert your IRA or 401(k) into a “Self Directed” Gold IRA.

While you still can: Get a no-cost info kit on gold, and the IRS Tax Law to move your IRA or 401(k) to precious metals – with NO tax consequences.

Get your no-cost info kit on gold here. There is ZERO cost and ZERO obligation to you – we’ll even pay for shipping.

This free 20-page “insider’s” kit on Gold reveals precisely how this IRS Tax Law works, and how you can start moving your IRA or 401(k) as soon as today… without paying any taxes on the transfer. It’s all explained in this free info kit on gold.

I must remind you, there may not be much time left to make this critical switch. As the government prints trillions and trillions of new dollars to prop up the economy, the USD’s decline will only accelerate.

I still have some of these info kits available today – claim yours now!

==> Get Your Free Info Kit On Gold Here
(ZERO Cost And ZERO obligation to you)  

Peter Reagan
Birch Gold Group

Last Thing: Last year, Stephen Roach, one of the world’s leading authorities on Asia, warned a 35% crash of the dollar within the next year or two is “virtually inevitable”. Request your info kit on gold now – while you still can.