Image by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

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$152 Billion And Counting For Obama's Home State.

Illinois Is Floating On Federal Money Which Could Become Worthless As Biden Spends US Into Oblivion.

Numbers blow to smithereens claims made Gov. J.B. Pritzker and state lawmakers that the State of Illinois has gotten its financial house back in order, reported Zero Hedge.

Unrelenting Federal spending amounting to over $8 trillion this year alone and counting is clearly unsustainable as the Left works to destroy the value of the green back.  

It's Time To Protect Your Wealth!

To prepare for a plummeting dollar, Dr. Ron Paul offers one simple piece of advice: Gold. In short, he calls it his “insurance against the dollar fiasco.”

Today, one of the best ways to move into gold and silver is to convert your IRA or 401(k) into a “Self Directed” Gold IRA.

While you still can: Get a no-cost info kit on gold, and the IRS Tax Law to move your IRA or 401(k) to precious metals – with NO tax consequences.

Get your no-cost info kit on gold here. There is ZERO cost and ZERO obligation to you – we’ll even pay for shipping.

This free 20-page “insider’s” kit on Gold reveals precisely how this IRS Tax Law works, and how you can start moving your IRA or 401(k) as soon as today… without paying any taxes on the transfer. It’s all explained in this free info kit on gold.

I must remind you, there may not be much time left to make this critical switch. As the government prints trillions and trillions of new dollars to prop up the economy, the USD’s decline will only accelerate.

I still have some of these info kits available today – claim yours now!

==> Get Your Free Info Kit On Gold Here
(ZERO Cost And ZERO obligation to you)  Sincerely,

Peter Reagan