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UPDATE 1645 EST - Rumble version uploaded and viewable
UPDATE 1320 EST - Youtube takes down video...we are looking for another source...stand by
UPDATE 1130 EST - Youtube version loaded...anyone want to bet how long it lasts?
UPDATE 2/5 1115 EST - This video will now be aired on OANN as per below...WE WILL LOAD ANOTHER VERSION HERE AS SOON AS WE GET IT!

Entrepreneur and Trump-supporter Mike Lindell just released a documentary describing the 'absolute proof' of election fraud during the Nov 3rd U.S. general election.
Great Show Mike,
Thank you and President Trump for keeping up the fight for the American People.
God Bless and keep you!
Thank you, CD Media, for continually updating with new sources for the video. Shows dedication and commitment. Excellent.
What a bunch of crap. EVERY THING on this has been disproved.
- wtf is cyber forensics - there is nothing like that
- scytl does not have servers in Germany
- there is no way you are getting access to servers to see what "Maalware" is stored on it.
You could have used the money you spent on this disaster and do something good with it.
Shiva did not invent EMAIL.... he invented some interoffice mail system not "email" as we know it.
Every guest is a fraud... damn Mike... you back on drugs or what??
Awww, the trolls have appeared.
Yes an inter-office electronic mail system is EMAIL. Also there is such a thing as computer forensics and a part of that is cyber forensics. What shell have you been living under for the past 40 years? Its used all the time in law enforcement. Why do you think they confinscate laptops and Pc's? Further more it is very easy for "hackers" to probe servers all over the world. Once identified they find vulnerabilities and find ways to access information. How do you think millions and millions of peoples personal data has been compromised over just the last few years? Banks, Corporations, Insurance Companies, chain stores have all been hacked. Stop taking this personally/politically and see the information for what it really is.....truth.