• Navarro: Yes, We Could Have Been Attacked With A Bioweapon

    March 2, 2021

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    Dr. Peter Navarro says he fears the CCP virus is a bioweapon because of its mutations.

    “Nothing about this is normal,” when it comes to other SARS viruses, Navarro said.

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    David Watson

    No kidding! & what's going to be done about it?! Nothing, & they'll do it again!


    I need someone to explain how the it's acceptable to have Joe Biden steal the presidency. I still don't understand how they can get away with it. Stop the Steal.
    Trump won!!!

    Tin Man

    All RNA viruses mutate rapidly and often. If SARS-CoV-2 were designed as a bioweapon, would the CCP have released it into their own nation? Perhaps. I'd be more inclined to believe that it was the product of gain-of-function research that infected a lab worker; and once that genie was out of the bottle, the CCP reacted as all good leftists do everywhere: with intimidation and control of information. I think they made a conscious decision not to allow China to suffer alone, so they stopped domestic flights out of Wuhan, while allowing outbound international flights to continue, thus seeding the world. It's troubling that the world has not blamed the CCP for the pandemic. In letting them skate, we may be setting the stage for SARS-CoV-3.


    The mutations are artificially induced by the vaccination action. DO NOT vaccinate DURING an epicemia, but BEFORE it. If we vaccinate during an epidemic, we are dealing with a phenomenon called IMMUNOLOGICAL PRESSURE.

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