• Mike Lindell Presents: Absolute Interference The Sequel To Absolute Proof 2020 Election Fraud

    April 21, 2021

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    Mike Lindell Presents: Absolute Interference
    2 Hours - FULL Length Documentary

    The Sequel to Absolute Proof With New Evidence Foreign & Domestic Enemies Used Computer to Hack the 2020 Election.

    Executive Producers: Mike Lindell, Brannon House, and Mary Fanning.

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    Eli Dumitru

    Mike, You don't seem to realize that the Supreme Court is not going to be surprised by your evidence, because they were already in on the fraud. This is not a matter of China vs the U.S. This is the New World Order vs the people of the world. The majority of the Judiciary, Representatives and Governors consider themselves to be members of the Elite who will bring in the New World Order. They are not surprised by the fraud. They are all knowingly part of the fraud, as are the multinational corporations and the corporate media. None of them will help you reveal their fraud on America.

    Ronald L. Lyons

    I recall a few years ago Diebold was the only company making voting machines, and somebody in Congress and/or the media complained about them being a monopoly. Then they said, no we don’t want to have Diebold because they are a proprietary sole-source company and that has the smell of non-competition. So America came to number of other companies to try to do the job.
    Would it be possible to go back to Diebold and say we made a mistake; we want you back and we don’t want any vote tabulating system that connects to the Internet. Put it in a Wi-Fi proof room with no connections to the outside except the paper ballot and printed summaries. Also, we’re not concerned about you being sole source; if one company can do it correctly, that’s fine.
    That’s the only way to solve this problem of foreign or outside hacking.


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