• IO Episode 26 - Interview with Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier, USAF on CRT in DoD, His Book Irresistible Revolution

    May 7, 2021

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    Host L Todd Wood talks with Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier, USAF on his book Irresistible Revolution, and cultural Marxism in the U.S. military.

    You can buy his book here. Every military member needs to read this work.

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    At the root of what is happening is China?? No. They may of course be taking advantage of the situation we have been put in, but it is not at the heart of the origin.

    What has been going on since the beginning of the 20th century (or even since the French Revolution) in all of Western civilization was described in an article published in 1920 in the Illustrated Sunday Herald of London, by Winston Churchill. Back then, it was no big mystery who were the driving force of communist revolution across Western Europe, particularly in the 1918 attempted communist revolution in Germany where 500 000 people died, and something you never hear about.



    Thanks for the trailhead, Dresden. Respect, for the name.
    Jon Levi?

    Carl Keil

    You do a dis-service to the speaker by your introduction. Although true, the introduction needs to be left out. The speakers commentary is all that is necessary to reach the broadest audience.


    Read the works of Dr. E. Michael Jones at culture wars -dot- com.


    Henry Kissinger and the CFR/Trilateral gang at the behest of The City were the ones who propped up China since the 1970s. So Xi Xing Ping is simply the product of their funding. The B'nai B'rith-ish East India Co. never died. Who do you think brought Mao to power? It is well know Mao's handler was Sidney Rittenberg. https://culturewars.com/news/sidney-rittenberg-china


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