• VIDEO: Joe Oltmann Goes Off On Judicial System, Eric Coomer...Vows To Fight For Election Integrity To End Of Days

    August 2, 2021

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    Joe Oltmann outed Dominion's Eric Coomer with his admission he ensured Trump would not win the election.

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    Pay up

    Sounds like he is getting his ass kicked in court (note that others who spread the slanderous lies have already settled) and he’s none too happy with it!
    Hate it…not.


    That judge of the case, she is in a conflict of interest, and so she must recuse herself from the case conform to the priciple of justice. When she does not recuse herself, means she does not represent the principle of justice, she does not envisages that in doing so she exposes herself to the hazard of inexisting the principle of justice for herself.
    So, that judge must be abandoned behnde, as of no juridic value.
    So sorry for this corrupted situation that produces the judiciar anarchy of the uni-pole society.

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