• Catholic Priest Unleashes On Biden For His Utter Hypocrisy

    September 9, 2021

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    Eurie Smith

    That priest sounds like Luther. The monarchy of the RC is self serving.. not the flock. Loyalty to the world is the sin ofmthe greatest sort..


    Not going to listen to an imaginary god believer and purveyor, whose cult murdered 200million in 2 millennia, whatever he utters.


    So, how many years has it taken the Church to arrive at this patently obvious conclusion and to speak out on it ?


    Read Dave Hunt's book. "A Woman Rides the Beast," and you will get a very good idea of how murderous and corrupt the church of Rome is. If you class yourself as a Christian, GET OUT OF HER NOW!!!!


    thomas + Jerk......please give examples of the 200 million figure or just STFU?


    You get out of here. Being Christian makes someone evil now? Yeah, great practice of equity and equality.

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