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Gold Star Mom Tina Peters, whose son was a SEAL and gave his life to his country, had the FBI raid her house (she lives alone) with battering ram present. 'Soldiers', as she called them, were in full tactical gear. They were looking for her evidence of election fraud found in Mesa County, CO. Peters runs elections in this county.
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Wonder who is giving the orders? Can't imagine goofy Joe is ... he barely seems to be coherent most days. Someone in the background is running this mess. They must be scared and desperate ..hope it comes to light. Crazy times.
Try Stacey Abrams house!
The FBI is America's Stasi. Evil and corrupt
The FBI is completely corrupted. The FBI should be disbanded completely and no one of the presently FBI employed should ever be allowed into Law Enforcement again. They are way too far gone to save, get rid of them and start again! The Marxist dems run the DOJ and have weaponized it against the American people. This "raid" by these terrorist thugs shows the depths the Marxists in our government will sink to. The government is NOW our enemy! Picture the terror effect the FBI desires with these thugs!
The democrats Jack-booted Nazis.
Who? The one person who said he would have a third term - Obummer! Everything Biden is doing is Obummer policy. That traitor needs to be dealt with like all traitors should be ... and that includes most of the demoncrat party!
I have a speech which destroys voter fraud. If you want a copy and are willing to pass it on write
[email protected]
It is free but you must view it.
and we allow this why? why is biden and the leftist cabal not in jail? we know why don't we,
Funny.... the FBI breaks down her door when they just could have easily asked for the evidence, but they refused to accept the copy of Hunter Biden's laptop that Rudy Guiliani tried to give them which shows what could be a national security risk.
Thomas Jefferson was right. We need a total government reset every 15 years. Anybody remember reading the Federalist Papers?
FBI has always been corrupt look at crossdresser Hoover!!
Soros, Jobama, Gates
I am weary of hearing about the 99% of the FBI that are great patriotic Americans and that just a few malefactors are discrediting the "Bureau". (re Bannon and Hannity). Is it the same 20 FBI guys kicking in innocent civilians' doors all over this country? Or are they all patriots, but they're "just following orders."
I can't help but think that the U.S. federal justice system is just a rotting corpse and whatever honor and integrity it may have possessed is long gone.
"Who will guard the guards?"
Defund the FBI. Taxpayer dollars must not fund the corrupt FBI (Dept. of Education, Planned Parenthood...). Congress must not appropriate funds to corrupt institutions. We must all call Congress and object to our tax dollars funding/perpetuating corruption. If Congress does not defund the corruption then they are part of the corruption.