• Wolf: Fauci Has Committed Premeditated Manslaughter Of Millions Of People

    January 11, 2022

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    Dr. Naomi Wolf lays out the evil of Dr. Fauci.

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    Daniel Millen

    As much as I hate the enemy, I feel called to humble myself, to focus on desiring the holiness of God in my own life, and to be as grateful as I can possibly be, as much as possible, toward God. My greatest fear is disappointing Him. We must remember that just as God used the Assyrian Empire to judge, and then destroy, the northern tribes of Israel, He also did the same thing to Judea, first by Babylon, then eternally by the Romans, so He is now destroying prophetic Israel (Christian nations and Christianity-at-large) by using Satan and his ministers, along with their earthly slaves (basically the entire planet of fallen angels and men) to complete His final judgment of Christians. Satan is being worshipped in every temple that took his mark, since the DNA has been altered and they are now GMO transhumans, legally owned by the enemy. Afterwards, He will end everything. I am not qualified to make any judgments about anyone's salvation, save for my own. I pray that you walk in peace, looking ahead to Heaven and your new body, though according to Scripture, if we are In Christ, we already reign with Him there on His throne.


    The experimental drugs are not the Mark of the Beast. It will be taken willingly fully aware of what it is (worshipping the Beast). Secondly, a mark on the right hand or forehead as opposed to an injection.


    Listen this is true. The statements are true. However the Obama administration shut it down and never checked back into it. This is wrong. Obama shut it down and they had a debate about it. The HHS told Fauci to continue as long as he reports with them and they will be overlooking the project for safety issues. But... they did continue and never stopped. They contracted with wuhan and have to pay until 2023. Biden stated he may continue the contract past that. During all this the cdc hhs fda WHO worked together to plan this. I'm told Bill Gates also but I don't have any files with his name..this goes much deeper then Fauci. It goes straight to the top. The laws around this are changing to suite their needs . That started under Obama. The entire reset exploded under Obama. Right now unesco and paho and WHO are running things. WHO and CHINA are best friends forever. CHINA got that man into the position he is in at the WHO. He is NOT A DR. OR LICENSED FOR MEDICAL. but he is MAKING ALL OUR RULES. Fauci is taking the rap for all. OUR GOV. Has a CONTRACT they pay millions now right now. They grant to fauci. Fauci grants it to Collins. IT goes to wuhan . This is no surprise for congress. ITS a game making us run around in circles trying to catch up . Coordinate.. censor.. etc. It got out of hand for them. Best bet is mandate. Quarantine. Etc. Threaten. To Distract us from their lost craziness out of hand EXPERIMENT. This is all facts. Just can't use the paid by biden to search it. With that said. The experiment is not approved for mandates. It's EUA APPROVED. COMIRNATY is NOT in the USA for use. Reading pfizers it states this. It was approved for application to licenses. it states its the same formula as the first vaccine out. It's not. Comirnaty is modRNA has 2 Xtra numbers. Covid19 is mRNA . Comirnaty is a variant.. a emergency order is only until another product that proven to work is out. The EUA all get cancelled. US PATANT STATES THEY LIED SEVERAL TIMES ITS NOT A VACCINE. DONT DO NOTHING A VACCINE DOES..
    IM ENDING WITH THIS... EVERYONE INVOLVED WITH MANDATES. RULES. BLOCKING OUR RIGHTS. LOCKING US DIWN ETC. WILL BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST. It's started long ago. The deaths. The side effects. The proof of paperwork. The studies . They fd up and can't control it. Mistakes and trails THE WORLD is waking up. MOST HAVE BEEN AWAKE. . The reset is signed sealed and delivered. For decades now the presidents have been placed. The white house is FULL OF WEF MEMBERS. COMMITEE OF 300 MEMBERS.. etc. Ya know it's sad Americans don't even know they placed people AFTER CHANGING THEIR NAMES to hide their direct involvement Germany back when. What is Bushes real name? Obama real name? This is sad. So to blame Fauci without research DEEP RESEARCH. It goes much further. HINT LOOK INTO .... UNIT 731.. see how many HUNDREDS OF LABS IN SMALL POOR AREAS ACROSS THE WORLD that we own . Biowarfar. Chemical. VIRUSES STUDIES. and why the USA protected the Japanese that tortured them people in 731. USA stopped them from being charged in law. For TRADE FOR THEIR BIO RECORDS THEY USED TO TORTURE MURDER IN 731. So the 14 japs set free and USA has torture recipes for biowarfare on humans. A can of worms opened ITS FAR FROM JUST FAUCI


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