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Information Operation Host L Todd Wood speaks with the leadership of the service academy graduate group about how to help cadets facing a horrific vaccine mandate.
Save Our Cadets and Midshipmen!
Right now, at least 16 cadets are in danger of being kicked out of West Point because they haverefused to be vaccinated on the basis of their religious beliefs!
The same number of Air Force Academy cadets have already had their religious exemption requests and appeals denied and have been told to either get vaccinated, resign or be expelled within days. A lawsuit is pending and additional lawsuits may be filed on their behalf to defer or delay this action.
Naval Academy midshipmen who filed religious exemption requests are currently “protected” from expulsion by a court ruling extending from another, similar case; however, DOD has taken action to limit deployments, so future litigation is a strong possibility.
The rules for vaccinations are different for each branch of service. Navy and Air Force have filed lawsuits, but nothing has yet been filed for the Army/West Point Cadets. This needs to be done immediately, or West Point Cadets may very well face expulsion.
Money is needed to support these potential lawsuits and our cadets and midshipmen! STARRS (Stand together Against Racism and Radicalization in the Services, Inc.) is mounting an effort to legally support these cadets and midshipmen, and other military members. We need your help!
These young cadets, midshipmen and other military members are the future leaders of tomorrow who are demonstrating amazing courage and now they are in need our help! Let’s assist them to continue their education and training and keep them in the service of our country!!!
Please show your support by going to www.STARRS.US and clicking the donate (litigation) button. Funds will be earmarked for litigation purposes as described below.Note: STARRS is a 501c3 Corporation, so any monies you donate may be tax deductible in accordance with the tax laws that apply to you. STARRS operates primarily to provide educational information, assistance and materials related to racism and radicalism in the military. In this case, STARRS is fulfilling its public charitable purpose byattempting to lessen the burdens imposed by the government on military personnel. Since cadets have resisted taking the vaccine for many reasons (e.g., natural immunity, possible illegal order, the vaccine is an experimental drug, potential harmful side effects as reflected in the VAERS and DOD medical data bases, etc), there is the potential for many different lawsuits. Each of these lawsuits (and our primary reason for raising funds) would be for the purpose of helping keep our cadets, midshipmen and other military members in the service of our country. Funds not needed for this purpose (e.g, although most unlikely, should DOD withdraw its mandate to get vaccinated) may be used to support other legal action by again lessening the burdens of government such as (1) holding the Secretary of Defense accountable for interfering with the statutorily mandated functions of the service academy Boards of Visitors by suspending them, terminating some of their Board members and “packing” them with new subcommittee members not authorized by Congress, and (2) forcing the Service Academies to respond to properly filed, but unanswered tens of Freedom of Information Act requests.
This video is part of the series Information Operation.