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Losing your rights and your life in hospitals with remdesivir.
American Conversations Host Christine Dolan interviews attorneys Daniel Watkins and Michael Hamilton who are taking on hospitals for forcing remdesivir on patients.
This article is part of a series called American Conversations on the Fight Against Medical Tyranny.
Remdesivir Ebola Trial
Watching I realised this treatment is analogous to what happens in psychiatric 'hopsitals' as a result of the toxic drugs they are held/strapped down and subject to more toxic drugs that cause suicide.
Mentioned here:
I was administered Remdesivir without my knowledge in the hospital. I was diagnosed with COVID Pneumonia. I do not even think I had Covid Pneumonia and if I did, the symptoms were like having a bad cold and it was coming to an end. My daughter is in another state and was worried so she called an ambulance. When I resisted, she said I did not have to stay in hospital but she wanted me checked out just in case. She was really worried about me. I never had any vaccine and I don't intend having their so-called Covid vaccine. It is nothing but an experimental gene therapy. I am a healthy senior (widowed) who takes no drugs ever, except, for the last 2 years they diagnosed me with asthma when I had a bout of breathing problems at the end of 2019; they really did not know what to diagnose me with so they said it was asthma. I am not a smoker. I recently took myself off the daily inhaler I was given in 2020 because I know what harm all steroids can do to your adrenal glands. I am doing fine. I am a person who takes all kinds of healthy supplements; eats all organic foods; watches my sugar intake; and checks my own blood pressure and oxygen levels every day and they are fine. My house was always constantly sanitized. I am here to say that if I did not object to staying in that hospital more than the 6 days I was there, I would have left in a body bag. They constantly injected me day and night , even waking me through the night and would not tell me what they were injecting me with. I went and received my medical reports several months after leaving that hell-hole and saw all the toxic injections including Remdesevir which was administered daily around the clock. I knew nothing of Remdesevir until I left the hospital but I knew they were not treating me properly. They told me I was never allowed to open the door to my room. I was not allowed any visitors. They never changed my gown or sheets. They had nowhere to take a shower and the bathroom and the room were never cleaned at all. Upon leaving after I made such a fuss about getting out of there, I found out I was on the hospice floor. I realized at that point, I was doomed if I stayed there. I found out later that several of my acquaintances at my Church died as a result of being detained in hospital for close to a month and given Remdesevir. My medical report had so many false statements and they even put the wrong social security number in my report. I spoke with a relative who is a doctor recently and she confirmed the danger of taking Remdesevir. It is toxic and it kills. I thank God for saving me every day.