• IO Episode 147 - Interview with Dr. Shiva on Fight with Deep State

    November 4, 2022
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    Host L Todd Wood speaks with Dr. Shiva on his fight with the Deep State, and how DHS Leaks is a intelligence operation fraud.

    This video is part of the series Information Operation.

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    Diana Barahona

    I'm always disappointed by Dr. Shiva. Even though his facts are correct, he arrives at motives without considering all of the possibilities.

    For example, Dr. Shiva claims that the motive of the pharmaceutical corporations in creating a pandemic out of nothing was to save the industry. However, he doesn't consider a few countervailing facts. First, the so-called vaccines were intentionally designed to significantly reduce the population. This is not a profitable business model. Second, they acted with malice aforethought, which means they have no protection from wrongful death and injury lawsuits.

    When I saw that Target was selling breast binders and other disturbing underwear for children, something that was guaranteed to offend customers, I started thinking about off-planet corporations. According to vets of the secret space program, all defense contractors are in outer space. This means that whatever business they do on Earth is dwarfed by the trade they are have in space. So, I considered this hypothesis: what if Target and Walmart are subsidiaries of much larger conglomerates? What if Target, Walmart, Blackrock and other corporations that don't seem to care about customers or profits know that humans are going to be removed from Earth in around 2030 (to pick a year at random) and are aiding the depopulation agenda? What if the mass-media are also in outer space and are also in on the depopulation agenda? And finally, what if Pfizer, Moderna and Astrazenica know that they will have zero customers by 2030, because they can only sell their poisons that don't cure diseases on Earth? (https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2022/08/27/emery-smith-ssp-scientist-and-whistleblower/)

    Dr. Shiva has criticized President Trump in the past, I think unfairly. He says that Trump has endorsed corrupt state GOP chairmen because they "fund" Save America. I don't believe that that is his motive. As I explained in an essat titled "Operation Warp Speed" (https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2022/07/29/operation-warp-speed/), Trump has access to a technology that allows him to know the future: this technology is called Q. My theory is that his team has used Q to find out who would be in office if he followed a certain strategy, and that he makes his endorsements accordingly.


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