Episode 4 - Aircrew Safety - Wings For Liberty And Justice - JJ Curtis And Paul Rozell

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Image Jacob Aviation

United Airlines treated some of its employees who applied for religious exemptions harshly, says former and current United Airlines employees.

Starting in August 2021, United Airlines executives made the decision to mandate covid “vaccinations.” They told their employees they could apply for exemptions. In some cases it was an easy process of acceptance. In other cases, it was not so easy.

And, in some cases, where the religious exemptions were granted, the employees were put on unpaid leave. Translated that means that they were not fired so they could not apply for unemployment. They could not go to a competing airlines. They lost their benefits during the unpaid leave. In short, they were financially incapacitated and in limbo position.

Paul Rozell, a father of a large family, is former Ramp Service Employee of United Airlines. He was on vacation when the mandated vaccination policy was announced. Upon return, a fellow colleague told Rozell to not bother applying because they were not going to be accepted, but Rozell did anyway.

In the end, after a roller-coaster ride, Rozell’s religious exemption was denied. He appealed and was again crushed by his own union upon appeal.

United Airlines claimed Rozell missed the deadline. He was hung out to dry by the company. In December 2021, Rozell was terminated after 27 1/2 years of dedicated service for being unvaccinated.

Today, Rozell makes $40,000 less than his paycheck at United Airlines. He is one of 20 plaintiffs in the United Airlines lawsuit. If you can help him, below is his go fund me link.

Here is my go fund me link

Jamie “JJ” Curtis is a 14-Year Air Force combat veteran with combat and combat support experience. He flew the F-15 and KC-135.

Curtis has been a 17-year Continental/United Airlines Captain with worldwide and international experience flying the B-737 and B-787. He has been an Instructor on B-787.

Curtis received his religious exemption in the fall of 2021, and was put on indefinite and unpaid leave from fall 2021 until March 28, 2022. He went back to work with United Airlines after being “invited back,” says Curtis.

Curtis is also one of the 20 plaintiffs suing United Airlines so no one is ever treated the way these employees were treated.

Below are their links:

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