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CDM's Globalist in Plain Sight Host Christine Dolan interviews Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts, who is part of the team trying to hold PHARMA and Australian Federal Government officials accountable for the disastrous rollout of Covid policies. 

The tide is turning across Australia. 

"More Australians are waking up," says Senator Roberts. 

Now, government leaders are calling for a Royal Commission to investigate the Covid policies to find out who knew what when and the ramifications endured by Australian citizens. 

This is a significant development along with the lawsuits over censorship and firings in the US and beyond the Florida COVID grand jury. It is a model that could possibly hold individuals, PHARMA manufacturing companies, government officials who relied up the U.S.' FDA approval of US PHARMA data without sufficient testing for safety and efficacy. The Commission could also serve as an opportunity to hear from those who were involved in PHARMA contracts. Astra Zeneca, Moderna, Pfizer and J & J shots were administered to Australians. Australia's lockdown policies were severe. In some provinces, they lasted 8 weeks. The Australian media carried the message of the government - get the shots! 

Most importantly, the Commission would be able to hear from those Covid 19 vaccine-injured and from those who lost their loved ones do to hospital protocols that denied early treatments. 

Australia has a unique Royal Commission Inquiry model for other countries to follow. 

One breathtaking Commission in recent years was on child sexual abuse. 

Australia's Royal Commission Inquiry into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse began in 2012, and resulted a report exposing institutional failures in the Catholic Church and other institutions across Australia, including internet impact upon children. The investigation lasted fives and resulted in the 2017 comprehensive report with ongoing recommendations for a national policy. 

Ms. Dolan's global investigation of the Catholic Church findings, which began in 2002, were submitted to that Royal Commission in 2016. 

In the Name of God - Who Knew What When? by Christine Dolan will be released later this year. It can be pre-ordered here.

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