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CDM's Globalists In Plain Sight Host Christine Dolan is joined by Dr. Christopher Casscells, who is given credit in the newly released book on Joe Biden's early years authored by Dr. Jill Biden's ex-husband, Bill Stevenson, Carolyn Ewing, Co-Founder of American Conversations townhalls in 2014 and a republican organizer in the many states she has lived- South Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina, Maryland and Tennessee, Jeff Cleghorn, a lawyer who fought for gay rights, but disagrees with today's LGBTQI+ movement targeting children, and James Kunstler, who is the "Mark Twain" of today who hails from New York.
All will discuss the false narrative that the Biden family has fed to America and continues to feed today and what to expect during Tuesday night's 2024 presidential debate, including what questions they would ask to get reality back on the table for voters.
As this panel displays the disconnect to reality by some cannot rationally be explained. We have gone through over 3.5 years that have been so destructive why is there any question about who to vote for? The open border that will is having and will have a negative effect for decades to come. The death and destructive to lives through child trafficking. The numbers of missing children in in the tens of thousands and this trafficking was made possible by this administration. The inflation.