• War Room 10am/5pm (M-F), 10am Sat EST

    October 5, 2024

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    Steve Bannon live on War Room.

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    The mission at Creative Destruction Media is to be the catalyst for the "process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one."
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    The ongoing COVID-19 nonsense here in the United States exists solely and exclusively because our governments have failed to use the correct treatment. They used so-called "vaccines" when Japan has just proven, in less than ONE MONTH, that Ivermectin can wipe out the disease. IVM was awarded the Nobel prize for medicine in 2015. One of the 3 most important drugs in human history: Aspirin, Penicillin, and Ivermectin. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can! https://health.p0l.org


    The difference is, our government doesn’t want its citizens to get better! They want us to die!


    you are making a false assumption, that there actually was a viral caused illness called Covid Iver is useful for many things


    The good guys will be exonerated. God bless.

    Cathy Gardino

    Investigate JaredPolis and JennaGriswold


    Does the testing differentiate between SARs, Covid-19, and Omicron??? Seems strange that since the Omicron scare came on the scene that we no longer hear about Covid. Only the War Room can find the answer to this puzzling question. The hospitals don't seem to be overwhelmed with covid or Omicron patients, however, lots of side effects from the Covid vaccines are coming in.


    The ongoing COVID-19 nonsense here in the United States exists solely and exclusively because our governments have failed to use the correct treatment. They used so-called “vaccines” when Japan has just proven, in less than ONE MONTH, that Ivermectin can wipe out the disease. IVM was awarded the Nobel prize for medicine in 2015. One of the 3 most important drugs in human history: Aspirin, Penicillin, and Ivermectin. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can....................... http://workonline1.tk/

    Craig Jameson

    Done with Charlie Kirk. Giving Crenshaw any type of credibility is insane at best.

    Thomas lino Deconcini

    If Biden regime prevents Trump from running, arrest him ,or harm him, the country WILL have a Civil War !!!!

    Matthew Hanson

    Considering how important the Brazil news has been recently and now(!), CDMedia might consider adding Laura Aboli, because she has been showing a many clips a day of Brazilian patriots. She also quite frequently shows sudden deaths, almost every day. Ref: https://t.me/LauraAbolichannel/20943

    Matt Mann

    "LIVESTREAM: War Room Pandemic 10am EST"

    REALLY..........you are this desperate to continue the 'WHAT-A-B PANDEMIC, by dedicating this segment to it?
    Do you not think that at this late stage of 'The Head Game' the people who continue on this path are truly lost?
    Since they are this far gone then let them go to their own demise. This is how Mother Nature intended to separate the wheat from the chaff.

    Donetta A Sholette

    What is the name of the book for Bannon's "homework" and where can you download the free copy?

    Terry Holdt

    Just came across this broadcast, and wondering how I can find a copy of it to send to others? Do you post a link somewhere with the dates of your broadcasts? I would love to post it on my social media sites!

    Ann Kontos

    Tell China we are taking back the 283,000 acres of farmland kick them out of owning anything to do with food, water, or air in USA

    Karmen Mccoy

    Don’t believe manipulation of polls. % of how many people. It is probably so different.
    Most people including me rarely or never fill those out.
    You used to have to let people know how many people were used.

    Frances Putnam

    Tik Tok may be giving American info to the CCP, but if you'd LOOK INTO IT, you'd see why the govtmt wants it cut off! Many patriots sharing info that WE could not get anywhere else, and Buttden can't control it!! You think GETTR is so great and it's ok so far as it goes, but mainly for media savvy people! OUR comments get no attention nor are they connected to the post we're commenting on. Same for Truth Social to a lesser degree and rumble is as bad as Gettr in the disconnect. So...think again about how much we will lose if we lose Tik Tok!

    Wayne Kuhn

    Too much about the government and too little about God. I feel the Holy Spirit leading me to Exodus chapter 15:22-27. The Holy Spirit will lead us if we put God first place. In all our ways acknowledge him and He will direct our paths. Food for thought.


    All these videos are just talk..talk is cheap.. how many have been brought to justice. Even all the new investigations in congress its all pantomime just static,, i will no longer follow any of this.

    Myron E E Jones

    french revoluiion! these commies are nihilists!

    Linda Sheve

    The voting machines had glitches AGAIN in Brown County, Wisconsin, Green Bay, WI. Area!!

    Wayne Henry Braden

    Ask Gorka why he thinks Bin Laden did 9/11.

    George Abbott

    Why is there no treason charges being filed for the destruction of our SOVEREIGNTY

    Laura Scott

    I didn’t like the AD - very tasteless- and DeSantis would NOT cut SS- That’s just stupid

    I’m a Trump person, but ads like this won’t get it

    dawn stack


    jay stack

    The antidote to propaganda is…Truth!


    Fix2020 1st 4ashli.com 202.225.2915 call Kevin Mccarthy often

    🐎🇺🇲Buck stuckster💉

    🐎🇺🇲The Dem primary debacle in Bridgeport CT. is a GIFT for WE the patriot people. This story is not going away.
    Patriots nation wide should keep this story on top. This is a perfect opportunity to highlight elections rules vulnerability / absurdity,ect. It happens in the Pinkos house. Do not squander this rare opportunity to highlight potential/ real time schnaagans. Questionable Elections = DIRTY voter rolls ballot box stuffing ,grocery store bonus points + voter ID. 🥁🦃🐎🇺🇲📢🐓

    Alix Bishop

    Why are patriots not fighting for Trump? He fights for Americans.

    Ann Waters

    I stopped watching Steve Bannon when he dedicated his first 2 hours of the day talking about how we should Not elect anyone who has No business experience. Then he dedicated the next 2 hours promoting FAKE kari LAKE who has No experience in business or anything but running her mouth, reading teleprompters and talking and being a lifelong liberal who has Never voted for Trump. He's a bought and paid for phony.


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